_Follow along with this video:_ --- ### Exercises This has easily been my favourite auditing codebase. We've come a long way and now is a great time to take a break and feed that ice cream addiction. When you're ready we've got much more for you to dive into to sharpen your skills and further familiarize yourself with the vulnerabilities we've discussed in this section. Navigate to [**sc-exploits-minimized**](https://github.com/Cyfrin/sc-exploits-minimized) repo. In the same area of this repo where we'd reference our simplified Remix examples, we've additional sections available to you, including `Ethernaut`, `Damn Vulnerable DeFi` and `Case Studies`. These are invaluable resources to challenge yourself and learn more about the security ecosystem in Web3. ### Ethernaut Ethernaut, is amazing. It's effectively a compilation of CTFs (capture the flags) or games where you learn about how to exploit various vulnerabilities in a semi-live environment. There are dozens of challenges to complete. I highly recommend starting with `Hello Ethernaut` as it will outline the basics of how Ethernaut works and how to play. You _are_ expected to know a little bit of JavaScript for some of the functionality of `Ethernaut`, but with a little work you can deploy the instanced contracts and interact with them through `Foundry` or `Etherscan` as well. ::image{src='/security-section-4/64-exercises/exercises1.png' style='width: 75%; height: auto;'} ### Damn Vulnerable DeFi I also would encourage you to check out [**Damn Vulnerable Defi**](https://www.damnvulnerabledefi.xyz/), which has a number of similar challenges. I'll warn you that DVD _is_ a bit more challenging than `Ethernaut` Unfortunately DVD is _also_ written in `Hardhat`, so some JavaScript knowledge goes a long way. > **Note:** Someone needs to rewrite this in Foundry!!! What you can do, if you're not comfortable with `Hardhat` would be to copy the contracts that Damn Vulnerable Defi provides you into a Forge project and just try to break it locally. Each challenge in DVD provides you with your objectives. ::image{src='/security-section-4/64-exercises/exercises2.png' style='width: 75%; height: auto;'} ### Case Studies This section, of course, offers some case study examples of the vulnerabilities we've been discussing so you can gain further insight into how impactful these issues have been and how they've affected the ecosystem beyond all the theory - in the real world. --- Beyond the above, we've got **even more** for you to do to practice all you've learnt in this section. 1. [**Ethernaut Challenges**](https://ethernaut.openzeppelin.com/) (1, 9 & 10) 2. Sign up for [**Solodit**](https://solodit.xyz/) 3. Post a tweet about how you completed the Puppy Raffle Audit! 4. Sign up for [**Farcaster**](https://www.farcaster.xyz/) 5. Do a [**CodeHawks First Flight**](https://www.codehawks.com/first-flights) ๐งโ๐๐งโ๐๐งโ๐๐งโ๐๐งโ๐๐งโ๐๐งโ๐๐งโ๐๐งโ๐๐งโ๐๐งโ๐๐งโ๐๐งโ๐๐งโ๐๐งโ๐๐งโ๐๐งโ๐๐งโ๐๐งโ๐๐งโ๐๐งโ๐๐งโ๐ ### Section 4 NFT Challenges - [**A combination hack (Arb)**](https://arbiscan.io/address/0xef72ba6575b86beaa9b9e4a78bca4a58f3cce276) - [**A combination hack (Sepolia)**](https://sepolia.etherscan.io/address/0xf988ebf9d801f4d3595592490d7ff029e438deca)
Protecting Web3 Against Hacks & Attacks; Remix Exploits & DeFi Challenges. Presented by Patrick. Includes Exercises & Case Studies.
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Gustavo Gonzalez
Solutions Engineer at OpenZeppelin
Francesco Andreoli
Lead Devrel at Metamask
Albert Hu
DeForm Founding Engineer
Senior Developer Advocate at Ceramic
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