_You can follow along with the video course from here._ ### Introduction Up to this point, the `SimpleStorage` contract allows for storing, updating, and viewing a single favorite number. In this lesson, we'll enhance the code to store multiple numbers, enabling more than one person to store their values. We'll learn how to create a list of favorite numbers using **arrays**, and we'll explore the **`struct`** keyword for creating new types in Solidity. ### Arrays and struct First we need to replace the `uint256 favoriteNumber` with a list of `uint256` numbers: ```solidity uint256[] list_of_favorite_numbers; ``` The brackets indicate that we have a list of `uint256`, an array of numbers. If we want to initialize this array we can do so by specifying its content: ```solidity uint256[] list_of_favorite_numbers = [0, 78, 90]; ``` > 🗒️ **NOTE**:br > Arrays are zero-indexed: the first element is at position zero (has index 0), the second element is at position one (has index 1), and so on. The issue with this data structure is that we cannot link the owner with its favorite value. One solution is to establish a **new type** using the `struct` keyword, named `Person`, which is made of two _attributes_: a favorite number and a name. ```solidity struct Person { uint256 my_favorite_number; string name; } ``` > 🚧 **WARNING**:br > Rename the variables `favorite_number` to avoid name clashes From this struct, we can instantiate a variable `my_friend` that has the type `Person`, with a favorite number of seven and the name 'Pat'. We can retrieve these details using the getter function that was generated by the `public` keyword. ```solidity Person public my_friend = Person(7, 'Pat'); /* equals to Person public my_friend = Person({ favorite_number:7, name:'Pat'}); */ ``` ### Array of struct Creating individual variables that represent several people might become a tedious task, due to the repetitive steps of the process. Instead of manually instantiating a variable for each person, we can combine the two concepts we just learned about: arrays and structs. ```solidity Person[] public list_of_people; // this is a dynamic array Person[3] public another_list_of_three_people; // this is a static array ``` When using a **dynamic** array, we can add as many `Person` objects as we like, as the size of the array it's not static but can grow and shrink. We can access each `Person` object in our array by its index. To add people to this list, we can create a function that populates the array: ```solidity function add_person(string memory _name, uint256 _favorite_number) public { list_of_people.push(Person(_favorite_number, _name)); } ``` `add_person` is a function that takes two variables as input - the name and favourite number of the person. It creates first a new `Person` object and then it pushes it to our `list_of_people` array. ### Conclusion With these features, our Solidity contract can now store multiple favorite numbers, each associated with a specific person. The `add_person` function creates a new `Person` struct and adds it to the `list_of_people` state variable. We can then view each person's name and favorite number by accessing the `Person` object through the array index. ### 🧑💻 Test yourself 1. 📕 Define the difference between a _dynamic_ array and a _static_ array. Make an example of each. 2. 📕 What is an _array_ and what is a _struct_? 3. 🧑💻 Create a smart contract that can store and view a list of animals. Add manually three (3) animals and give the possibility to the user to manually add an indefinite number of animals into the smart contract.
This lesson explores the use of arrays and structs in Solidity for creating a list of favorite numbers and tying them to individuals. It demonstrates how to create and manipulate arrays and structs, enhancing the functionality of a smart contract to handle multiple data entries.
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Blockchain developer fundamentals
Introduction to blockchain gas
Transaction signatures
Smart contract development
Solidity gas optimization techniques
Smart Contract Auditor
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Smart Contract Engineer
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Web3 Developer Relations
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$60,000 - $150,000 (avg. salary)
Web3 engineer, educator, and Cyfrin co-founder. Patrick's smart contract development and security courses have helped hundreds of thousands of engineers kickstarting their careers into web3.
Last updated on November 25, 2024
Solidity Developer
Solidity Smart Contract DevelopmentDuration: 1h 46min
Duration: 38min
Duration: 2h
Duration: 23min
Course Overview
About the course
Blockchain developer fundamentals
Introduction to blockchain gas
Transaction signatures
Smart contract development
Solidity gas optimization techniques
Smart Contract Auditor
$100,000 - $200,000 (avg. salary)
Smart Contract Engineer
$100,000 - $150,000 (avg. salary)
Web3 Developer Relations
$85,000 - $125,000 (avg. salary)
Web3 developer
$60,000 - $150,000 (avg. salary)
Web3 engineer, educator, and Cyfrin co-founder. Patrick's smart contract development and security courses have helped hundreds of thousands of engineers kickstarting their careers into web3.
Last updated on November 25, 2024
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Gustavo Gonzalez
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Francesco Andreoli
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DeForm Founding Engineer
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