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Advanced Foundry

Advanced Foundry


Learn smart contract development techniques to write, deploy, test, optimize, and interact with your smart contract using industry-standard tools taught by the top smart contracts engineers in web3

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500+ users have taken this course.

Course Details

137 lessons
4 projects
13+ languages

Last updated on July 23, 2024

Solidity Developer

Advanced Foundry

1. ERC20 Welcome To Advanced
Duration: 1min
2. Introduction to ERC fundamentals and ERC20
Duration: 5min Delve into the fundamentals of ERC20 tokens. Understand the critical concepts of Ethereum Improvement Proposals (EIPs) and Ethereum Request for Comments (ERCs), focusing particularly on the ERC20 Token Standard. Learn about the creation and significance of ERC20 tokens and explore notable examples.
3. Creating an ERC20
Duration: 7min This lesson guides you through the manual creation of your own ERC20 token using Solidity. It covers the setup of your development environment, initialization of your project repository, and step-by-step instructions to build and define your ERC20 token's properties and functionalities.
4. Explore Open Zeppelin
Duration: 5min Explore the use of the OpenZeppelin framework for smart contract development. Learn how to leverage pre-deployed, audited, and ready-to-go contracts to simplify the creation process of your ERC20 token.
5. Deploy your ERC20 crypto currency
Duration: 3min This lesson provides a comprehensive guide on deploying your ERC20 token. It includes instructions for setting up a deployment script, using the deployment script to deploy your token, and tips for finalizing and testing the deployment process efficiently.
6. Test your ERC20 using AI
Duration: 15min Master the art of writing tests for your smart contracts, incorporating Artificial Intelligence (AI) to enhance the process. This lesson focuses on using AI to generate and execute tests efficiently, offering insights into best practices and considerations when integrating AI into your testing workflow.

Course Overview

What you'll learn

Advanced smart contract development
How to develop a stablecoin
How to develop a DeFi protocol
How to develop a DAO
Advanced smart contracts testing
Fuzz testing
Manual verification

Course Prerequisites

  • Blockchain Basics
  • Solidity Fundamentals
  • Foundry Fundamentals

Course Description

Welcome to the Complete Advanced smart contract development course using Foundry, the only course you need to learn advanced solidity development and smart contract testing skills that will level up your career as a blockchain engineer.

With 50,000+ students taught, 13+ hours of video, written lessons, quizzes and 4 fully-fledged projects to practice your skills, this Advanced smart contract development course is without a doubt the most comprehensive, advanced, and up-to-date web3 development course available online.

If you have completed the previous courses in the solidity development path on Cyfrin Updraft, or already have experience with Solidity programming, Foundry, Blockchain Oracles, and smart contract testing, this course is the right step to take you from Intermediate to advanced smart contract engineer. Here's why:

  • Taught by some of the world's best web3 developers and smart contract engineer.
  • Always up-to-date to keep you current with the latest tools and technologies used by major companies and protocols, including new projects and modules.
  • The curriculum was meticulously developed over a one-year period, incorporating extensive student testing, feedback, and reviews.
  • We have successfully taught over 60,000 students to write secure Solidity smart contracts, significantly transforming their lives by becoming professional web3 developers or by starting their own ventures.

We'll take you step-by-step through engaging video tutorials and teach you everything you need to know to succeed as a web developer.

The course includes over 13 hours of HD video tutorials and builds your programming knowledge while developing real-world smart contracts and applications to enrich your web3 development smart contracts portfolio!

Throughout this comprehensive course, we cover a massive amount of tools and technologies, including:

  • Foundry, stablecoins
  • How to develop a DeFi protocol
  • How to develop a DAOs
  • Advanced smart contract development
  • Advanced smart contracts testing
  • Fuzz testing
  • Manual verification

Regardless of your operating system, whether its Linux, MacOS, or Windows, we've got you covered.

By the end of this course, you will be fluently programming solidity smart contracts and be ready to make any protocol you can dream of.

Sign up today completely for free, and look forward to:

  • Animated Video Lectures
  • Code Challenges and Coding Exercises
  • 4+ Real-World Projects
  • Quizzes and practice Tests
  • Links to the GitHub repositories containing all course files
  • Access to our Community with 10,000s web3 developers to support you
  • $10,000+ worth of web3 development bootcamp course materials and course curriculum

So what are you waiting for? Learn smart contract development and testing using Foundry and kickstart your career as a smart contract developer!

Who is this course for?

  • Engineers
  • Smart Contract Security researchers

Potential Careers

Web3 Developer Relations Web3 developer Smart Contract Engineer Smart Contract Auditor Security researcher

Solidity Developer

Solidity Developer path

Blockchain Basics

Blockchain Basics


Start where you’re comfortable! Learn how blockchains work, smart contracts, and how to sign your first transaction. Whether you’re new or are a seasoned developer, there’s something here for you.

Solidity Developer path

Solidity Smart Contract Development

Solidity Smart Contract Development


Start here if you’re new to writing smart contracts! Learn Solidity smart contract development from industry-leading experts and kickstart your career as a web3 developer.

Solidity Developer path

Foundry Fundamentals

Foundry Fundamentals


Learn advanced web3 development concepts like Chainlink Blockchain oracles, smart contracts testing, spinning up local networks, and industry-leading tools like Foundry Forge and Anvil.


Solidity Developer path

Advanced Foundry

Advanced Foundry


Learn smart contract development techniques to write, deploy, test, optimize, and interact with your smart contract using industry-standard tools taught by the top smart contracts engineers in web3

Solidity Developer path

Smart Contract Security

Smart Contract Security


Start your career as a smart contract security researcher! Learn smart contract auditing and the best practices for writing secure and optimized protocols. Explore fuzzing, invariant testing, and formal verification to identify bugs and protect web3 protocols.

Solidity Developer path

Assembly and Formal Verification

Assembly and Formal Verification


Learn exactly how the solidity compiler and opcodes work. Write contracts using Assembly and Yul, then learn how to write formal verification tests to guarantee your invariants hold.

Solidity Developer path

Smart Contract DevOps

Smart Contract DevOps


Following web3 DevOps guidelines and keeping an eye on smart contracts after they're live is key to making protocols and their users, safer. This course teaches you the best practices when dealing with web3 wallets and post-deployment security, teaching you how to keep smart contracts under control, even after they've been launched.

Meet your instructors

Patrick Collins

Patrick Collins

Founder at Cyfrin

Web3 engineer, educator, and Cyfrin co-founder. Patrick's smart contract development and security courses have helped hundreds of thousands of engineers kickstarting their careers into web3.

Guest lecturers:

Juliette Chevalier

Juliette Chevalier

Lead Developer relations at Aragon

Ciara Nightingale

Ciara Nightingale

Developer relations at Thirdweb

Vasiliy Gualoto

Vasiliy Gualoto

Developer relations at Cyfrin

Nader Dabit

Nader Dabit

Director of developer relations at Avara

Ally Haire

Ally Haire

Developer relations at Protocol Labs



Founder at GasliteGG

Vitto Rivabella

Vitto Rivabella

Lead Developer relations at Cyfrin


Students Reviews

Read what our students have to say about this course.

If there’s one resource that Web3 developers point to, it’s Cyfrin’s ultimate tutorials. They’re standout resources that have empowered countless developers to learn blockchains, learn Solidity, and dive deep into Web3 development.




We can build systems for Ethereum scaling but without education, it’s all for nothing. Updraft is the first step towards adoption for Web3 education. We can now mint security focused developers at scale!

Tony Olendo

Tony Olendo

Lead Devrel Engineer, Polygon

Cyfrin's course was a cornerstone of my journey into Web3, providing me with the fundamentals and hands-on experience that have been pivotal to my journey in the blockchain space.



Lead Developer Relations, Scroll

Cyfrin Updraft videos on smart contract development have been instrumental in my blockchain journey, standing out with their clarity and accessibility. Their readiness to support and engage with learners makes me excited for more of their interactive and insightful content in the Web3 space

Francesco Andreoli

Francesco Andreoli


I took Cyfrin course and I’ve been working as a solutions developer at OpenZeppelin for the last few months. It was by far the most comprehensive resource and the one that really teached me the fundamentals and made me want to switch from web2 to web3

Gustavo Gonzalez

Gustavo Gonzalez

Solutions Engineer, OpenZeppelin

The Cyfrin courses were a game-changer for me. They provided a well-structured and comprehensive introduction to web3 and blockchain development. The knowledge I gained allowed me to transition into a full-time role as a blockchain developer. I can't recommend these courses enough!

Albert Hu

Albert Hu

DeForm Founding Engineer

I took Cyfrin’s courses, and I took them seriously. At least one hour every day, documented the progress, didn’t skip any second. Haven’t found a better web3 course since. Now I’m full-time in web3, working as Senior Developer Advocate at Ceramic Network.



Senior Developer Advocate, Ceramic

Cyfrin have been an absolute game-changers in my journey into blockchain. Saying their courses were remarkable, would be an understatement. Thanks to their expert guidance, I gained a deep understanding of blockchain to its roots. I'm forever grateful for their role in helping me get started in web3.




Cyfrin blockchain and Foundry/AI courses were incredible. I've gained valuable knowledge, grown, empowering myself and others. Thank you, Cyfrin!



Developer Relations Engineer, Axelar