Foundry Fundamentals

Foundry Fundamentals

Learn Foundry for Solidity and level up your Solidity developer skills. Discover advanced web3 development concepts and tools in the Foundry Fundamentals course. Learn Foundry Forge and Anvil, Chainlink Blockchain oracles, smart contract testing, and how to spin up local networks.

113 lessons
3 projects

Solidity Developer

Foundry Fundamentals

1. Introduction - Foundry simple storage
Introduction to transitioning from Remix IDE to Foundry for professional smart contract development, along with resources for troubleshooting. Duration: 7min
2. Development environment setup (Mac, Linux)
Guide to setting up a development environment on Mac and Linux, including installing Visual Studio Code (VSCode) and Git. Duration: 3min
3. Development environment setup (Windows)
Tutorial on setting up a development environment on Windows using WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) and installing Visual Studio Code. Duration: 9min
4. Develop in cloud using Gitpod
Overview of using Gitpod for cloud-based development, highlighting its benefits, limitations, and precautions for usage. Duration: 4min
5. Local Setup
A quick look at VS Code terminal commands - A quick video exploring a couple of helpful keyboard shortcuts for clearing the terminal and toggling it open and closed. Duration: 1min
6. Foundry setup
Step-by-step guide on installing and operating Foundry, a tool for smart contract development, compatible with Windows, Linux, and MacOS. Duration: 6min
7. Setup your VSCode
Comprehensive guide on mastering Visual Studio Code and GitHub Copilot for optimizing programming efficiency and project folder organization. Duration: 6min
8. Create a new Foundry project
Step-by-step instructions on creating a new simple storage project using Foundry, including project folder setup, terminal tips, and initial project structure. Duration: 7min
9. Foundry Setup (Windows/WSL)
A comprehensive guide to installing Foundry and configuring Git and Github for Smart Contract Development. This lesson covers the basics of installing the Foundry framework, using Foundry-up, and setting up Git and Github, including configuring your user name and email, generating SSH keys, and adding your public key to Github. Duration: 5min
11. VSCode Solidity setup
Tutorial on formatting Solidity code in Visual Studio Code using various extensions and settings, and tips for automatic code formatting and TOML file formatting. Duration: 4min
12. Compile a smart contract using Foundry
Guide to compiling Solidity smart contracts using Foundry, including steps for using the Foundry console, understanding the 'out' file, and terminal command recall. Duration: 1min
13. Deploy a smart contract locally using Anvil
Guide on deploying smart contracts locally using Foundry's Anvil, including setting up Ganache, using MetaMask for custom networks, and integrating Anvil. Duration: 9min
14. How to add a new network to Metamask
Tutorial on adding new Ganache local chains and EVM compatible chains to MetaMask, including managing private keys and understanding RPC URLs. Duration: 2min
15. Deploy a smart contract locally using Forge
Comprehensive guide on deploying smart contracts locally using Forge in Foundry, detailing command line usage, potential issues, and deployment steps. Duration: 4min
16. Important: private key safety pt.1
In-depth guide on private key safety for blockchain developers, covering best practices, shell history clearing, and secure methods for handling private keys. Duration: 3min
17. Deploy a smart contract locally using Anvil
Tutorial on deploying smart contracts locally using Anvil, focusing on script creation, Solidity contract language, and Foundry cheat codes for deployment. Duration: 10min
18. What is a transaction
Exploration of blockchain transactions, including a detailed overview of transaction components, contract deployment, and data fields in Ethereum. Duration: 6min
19. Important: private key safety pt.2
Guide on private key safety for interacting with deployed contracts, covering command line interfaces, environment file setup, and secure coding practices. Duration: 10min
21. Never Use A Env File
In this lesson we'll finally rid ourselves of risky development practices and learn to employ methods to properly safeguard our private keys. Move past .env variables and never mistakenly compromise yourself again. Duration: 10min
22. Interact with a smart contract using the CLI
Comprehensive guide on interacting with smart contracts using CLI and Foundry's Cast tool, detailing command usage for sending transactions and reading blockchain data. Duration: 4min
23. Deploying a smart contract on testnet (Sepolia)
Step-by-step tutorial on deploying smart contracts to Ethereum's Sepolia testnet using Foundry and Alchemy, including setting up RPC URLs and private keys. Duration: 6min
24. Verify a smart contract on Etherscan
Guide on verifying Ethereum smart contracts on Etherscan, covering manual verification steps and the importance of contract readability and accessibility. Duration: 1min
25. Cleaning Up the Project
Cleaning up the project! Duration: 3min
27. Foundry Zksync
A quick guide to installing foundry-zksync. The lesson covers cloning the foundry-zksync repo, running the installation script, and switching back to vanilla foundry. After installing foundry-zksync, the user can check the version and use it to compile Solidity smart contracts for zkSync. Duration: 7min
28. Compiling Foundry Zksync
A comprehensive guide to compiling smart contracts for zkSync using Foundry. This lesson covers the basics of compiling smart contracts for zkSync using Foundry, including the creation of a zkSync output folder, the differences between zkSync and EVM compilation, and how to use Foundry to switch between the two. Duration: 2min
30. Zksync Local Node
A detailed walkthrough of deploying a smart contract to zkSync. The lesson covers installing Docker and Node.js, running a local zkSync test node using Docker, and deploying a smart contract to the test node. Duration: 10min
31. Zksync Local Deploy
A helpful guide to deploying a smart contract to a local zkSync Docker node. This lesson shows how to set up your local zkSync development environment and deploy your smart contract to zkSync. Duration: 3min
32. Tx Types
A detailed introduction to transaction types in the EVM and ZK-Sync ecosystems. The lesson covers the types of transactions used in Ethereum and ZK-Sync, including legacy, access list, chain, and the type 113 transaction type used in ZK-Sync. Duration: 9min
33. Why L2
A quick guide to deploying smart contracts to Ethereum Mainnet and Layer-2 rollups using Foundry. This lesson covers the basic steps for deploying contracts to the Ethereum Mainnet, understanding the cost, and then switching to the layer-2 network zkSync. Duration: 6min
34. Introduction to Alchemy
Introduction to Alchemy, a developer platform for Web3 applications, covering its features, benefits, and steps to create an account and use its services. Duration: 11min
35. Wrap up, congratulations!
Summary and congratulations on completing the Foundry project, highlighting key learnings, tools used, and encouraging continued learning and coding practice. Duration: 3min

Course Overview

About the course

What you'll learn

Foundryup, Foundry Forge, and Anvil

Blockchain Oracles

How to create local Blockchain testnets

How to verify a smart contract

How to write and run smart contract tests

Course Description

Who is this course for?

  • Software engineers
  • Web3 developers
  • Blockchain security researchers

Potential Careers

Security researcher

$49,999 - $120,000 (avg. salary)

Smart Contract Engineer

$100,000 - $150,000 (avg. salary)

Web3 developer

$60,000 - $150,000 (avg. salary)

Web3 Developer Relations

$85,000 - $125,000 (avg. salary)

Smart Contract Auditor

$100,000 - $200,000 (avg. salary)

Meet your instructors

Patrick Collins

Patrick Collins

Founder at Cyfrin

Web3 engineer, educator, and Cyfrin co-founder. Patrick's smart contract development and security courses have helped hundreds of thousands of engineers kickstarting their careers into web3.

Guest lecturers:

Richard Gottleber

Richard Gottleber

Developer relations at Chainlink

Vasiliy Gualoto

Vasiliy Gualoto

Developer relations at Cyfrin

Last updated on January 14, 2025

Learning path

Solidity Developer

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Students Reviews

Read what our students have to say about this course.




Gustavo Gonzalez

Gustavo Gonzalez

Solutions Engineer at OpenZeppelin

Francesco Andreoli

Francesco Andreoli

Lead Devrel at Metamask

Albert Hu

Albert Hu

DeForm Founding Engineer



Senior Developer Advocate at Ceramic






Developer Relations Engineer at Axelar
