### Welcome To The Curve V2 Cryptoswap AMM Course Welcome to the course for Curve V2 Cryptoswap AMM. This course is designed for advanced Solidity developers who have experience with Foundry. We assume you have knowledge of Curve V1 stableswap. In this course, we'll show some examples using Python. However, you won't need to know Python to do the exercises or to understand the key concepts. Why take the course? It might give you some ideas on how to build a new type of AMM. Curve V2 automatically concentrates liquidity using an internal price oracle, that keeps track of the exponential moving average of the tokens. We'll also go over some of the math behind these concepts. Another motivation to take this course is that you might come across an audit contest or bug bounty that is relevant to Curve V2. Either the smart contract took ideas from Curve V2 or integrates with Curve V2. In this course, you'll learn the math and the algorithms of Curve V2. Curve V2 is written in Vyper, so we will do a code walkthrough of the Vyper contract. And the exercises will be written in Foundry. What won't be covered in this course, is the advanced math that is used for the calculation of liquidity and swap amounts. The math we'll skip is inside a single library contract that handles these calculations.
An advanced smart contract developer's guide to Curve V2 AMM. This lesson covers the math and algorithms of Curve V2, a new type of Automated Market Maker (AMM) that automatically concentrates liquidity through an internal price oracle that tracks the exponential moving average of the tokens.
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Course Overview
About the course
AMM math for Curve Cryptoswap
How liquidity is concentrated
How function calls interact with the AMM
Curve Cryptoswap state variables
How the function exchange works
How to swap tokens
How to add and remove liquidity
Math for Curve Cryptoswap’s internal price oracle
Implicit differentiation
Smart Contract Auditor
$100,000 - $200,000 (avg. salary)
Blockchain Financial Analyst
$100,000 - $150,000 (avg. salary)
DeFi Developer
$75,000 - $200,000 (avg. salary)
Smart Contract Engineer
$100,000 - $150,000 (avg. salary)
Web3 developer
$60,000 - $150,000 (avg. salary)
Web3 Developer Relations
$85,000 - $125,000 (avg. salary)
Last updated on February 26, 2025
Solidity Developer
Curve CryptoswapDuration: 4min
Duration: 1h 21min
Duration: 28min
Duration: 26min
Duration: 14min
Duration: 24min
Duration: 59min
Duration: 5min
Course Overview
About the course
AMM math for Curve Cryptoswap
How liquidity is concentrated
How function calls interact with the AMM
Curve Cryptoswap state variables
How the function exchange works
How to swap tokens
How to add and remove liquidity
Math for Curve Cryptoswap’s internal price oracle
Implicit differentiation
Smart Contract Auditor
$100,000 - $200,000 (avg. salary)
Blockchain Financial Analyst
$100,000 - $150,000 (avg. salary)
DeFi Developer
$75,000 - $200,000 (avg. salary)
Smart Contract Engineer
$100,000 - $150,000 (avg. salary)
Web3 developer
$60,000 - $150,000 (avg. salary)
Web3 Developer Relations
$85,000 - $125,000 (avg. salary)
Last updated on February 26, 2025