_Follow along with the video lesson:_ --- ### depositTokenToL2 In this lesson we're going to approach one of the core functions of `L1BossBridge.sol`, `depositTokenToL2` ```js /* * @notice Locks tokens in the vault and emits a Deposit event * the unlock event will trigger the L2 minting process. There are nodes listening * for this event and will mint the corresponding tokens on L2. This is a centralized process. * * @param from The address of the user who is depositing tokens * @param l2Recipient The address of the user who will receive the tokens on L2 * @param amount The amount of tokens to deposit */ function depositTokensToL2(address from, address l2Recipient, uint256 amount) external whenNotPaused { if (token.balanceOf(address(vault)) + amount > DEPOSIT_LIMIT) { revert L1BossBridge__DepositLimitReached(); } token.safeTransferFrom(from, address(vault), amount); // Our off-chain service picks up this event and mints the corresponding tokens on L2 emit Deposit(from, l2Recipient, amount); } ``` The `NATSPEC` here nicely details the functionality we'd expect based on our earlier protocol diagram. This function locks tokens into the `vault`, which emits an event. This event is listened for off-chain to trigger the mint of tokens on L2. ::image{src='/security-section-7/18-deposit-token/deposit-token1.png' style='width: 100%; height: auto;'} Foremost, we can see that a user can only call this function if the protocol is not paused, via the `whenNotPaused` modifier. We see the conditional check from earlier verifying that the amount being deposited doesn't cause the `vault`'s balance to exceed the `DEPOSIT_LIMIT` of 100,000 tokens. This tells us clearly that there can only be 100,000 tokens bridged to the L2 at any given time. ```js if (token.balanceOf(address(vault)) + amount > DEPOSIT_LIMIT) { revert L1BossBridge__DepositLimitReached(); } ``` Following the check we have our safeTransferFrom call which moves tokens from the `from` address to the vault, and finally an event is emitted. ```js token.safeTransferFrom(from, address(vault), amount); // Our off-chain service picks up this event and mints the corresponding tokens on L2 emit Deposit(from, l2Recipient, amount); ``` This event is **_very_** important as it effectively triggers the minting of tokens on the L2. Absolutely verify the parameters and the order which they are being passed (they're good here.). ### Wrap Up This critical function, `depositTokensToL2` seems fairly simple, it _seems_ secure. There's an issue here.. do you know what it is? Challenge yourself to identify the vulnerability in the `depositTokensToL2` function, and we'll go over it together, in the next lesson!
'depositTokenToL2' Function in Brief. The function locks tokens in a vault, triggers L2 minting.
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