_Follow along with this video:_ --- ### Assessing Our Severities Alright! We're ready to start applying our understanding of `likelihood` and `impact` to the PasswordStore protocol. Let's take a look at our findings. ``` ### [S-#] Storing the password on-chain makes it visible to anyone and no longer private ### [S-#] `PasswordStore::setPassword` has no access controls, meaning a non-owner could change the password ### [S-#] The 'PasswordStore::getPassword` natspec indicates a parameter that doesn't exist, causing the natspec to be incorrect ``` ## Finding #1 ### [S-#] Storing the password on-chain makes it visible to anyone and no longer private <details closed> <summary>Impacts and Likelihoods</summary> 1. **High Impact**: `funds` are directly or nearly `directly at risk`, or a `severe disruption` of protocol functionality or availability occurs. 2. **Medium Impact**: `funds` are `indirectly at risk` or there’s `some level of disruption` to the protocol’s functionality. 3. **Low Impact**: `Fund are not at risk`, but a function might be incorrect, or a state handled improperly etc. --- 4. **High Likelihood**: Highly probably to happen. - a hacker can call a function directly and extract money 5. **Medium Likelihood**: Might occur under specific conditions. - a peculiar ERC20 token is used on the platform. 6. **Low Likelihood**: Unlikely to occur. - a hard-to-change variable is set to a unique value at a specific time. </details> Let's consider impacts and likelihoods of our first scenario (I've provided you a reference to them above). Upon consideration we see that, while funds aren't at risk, the user's 'hidden' password being visible to anyone is a pretty severe impact to how the protocol is expected to function. Because of this, I would argue our assessment of `Impact` should be `High`. Now, for likelihood we ask ourselves: - `How likely is it that somebody will be able to exploit this?` The answer is - _very likely_. There's nothing stopping any malicious actor from acquiring the stored password - it's almost a certainty. `Likelihood` should also be considered `High`. ### Likelihood & Impact: - Impact: High - Likelihood: High - Severity: High Applying our assessment to our finding title should look like this: ::image{src='/security-section-3/25-assessing-highs/severity1.png' style='width: 100%; height: auto;'} > Pro-tip: We should try to arrange our findings in our report from High -> Low and from Worst -> Least Offenders ## Finding #2 ### [S-#] `PasswordStore::setPassword` has no access controls, meaning a non-owner could change the password <details closed> <summary>Impacts and Likelihoods</summary> 1. **High Impact**: `funds` are directly or nearly `directly at risk`, or a `severe disruption` of protocol functionality or availability occurs. 2. **Medium Impact**: `funds` are `indirectly at risk` or there’s `some level of disruption` to the protocol’s functionality. 3. **Low Impact**: `Fund are not at risk`, but a function might be incorrect, or a state handled improperly etc. --- 4. **High Likelihood**: Highly probably to happen. - a hacker can call a function directly and extract money 5. **Medium Likelihood**: Might occur under specific conditions. - a peculiar ERC20 token is used on the platform. 6. **Low Likelihood**: Unlikely to occur. - a hard-to-change variable is set to a unique value at a specific time. </details> Considering our second finding, we can tell that anyone being able to set the password at any time is a severe disruption of protocol functionality. A clear `High` `Impact`. The `likelihood` is also going to be `High`. Anyone can do this, at any time, the vulnerability is rooted in `access control`. ### Likelihood & Impact: - Impact: High - Likelihood: High - Severity: High The application of this to our second finding's title should leave us with: ``` ### [H-1] Storing the password on-chain makes it visible to anyone and no longer private ### [H-2] `PasswordStore::setPassword` has no access controls, meaning a non-owner could change the password ### [S-#] The 'PasswordStore::getPassword` natspec indicates a parameter that doesn't exist, causing the natspec to be incorrect ``` ### Wrap Up This is great! We've got one more finding to assess the severity of and this one's a little different as it's `informational`. Let's go over it's `Impact` and `Likelihood` in the next lesson.
Audit report severity evaluation using likelihood & impact methodology, demonstrated with examples & steps.
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