_Follow along with this video:_ --- ### Are we done? Now, we've done a lot. You're probably wondering if we should go back and look at the code again. Maybe we missed something... Take a moment to consider what you would do in a `live audit` situation. Consider your answer before continuing on. <details closed> <summary> The Answer </summary> :br Maybe. :br :br Honestly, we can always look at one more line of code. We can always further scrutinize a repo. At some point however, we have to say "I'm done." A lot of time's we're going to be time-boxed in what we do. There will be a limit to the amount of time we can reasonably spend on something. Sometimes this time-boxing is a hard limit we impose on ourselves to assure we remain at our most efficient. Often a pressing situation comes down to time management and setting bounds on the time we spend on things. We'll go over a few time-boxing strategies a little later as well. </details>
In this video, Patrick discusses timeboxing in reviewing codebases & moving on when needed. Learn effective time management for security research.
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