_Follow along with this video:_ --- ### Recommended Mitigation Our next step, of course, is providing a recommendation on how to fix this issue. We may be tempted to suggest something like _"Don't check for duplicates."_, but it's important to preserve the original functionality as much as possible. If we do suggest a change in functionality, we must be clear in explaining why. With that said, here are some potential suggestions we could make. 1. Consider allowing duplicates. Users can make new wallet addresses anyway, so a duplicate check doesn't prevent the same person from entering multiple times, only the same wallet address. 2. Consider using a mapping to check duplicates. This would allow you to check for duplicates in constant time, rather than linear time. You could have each raffle have a uint256 id, and the mapping would be a player address mapped to the raffle Id. ```diff + mapping(address => uint256) public addressToRaffleId; + uint256 public raffleId = 0; . . . function enterRaffle(address[] memory newPlayers) public payable { require(msg.value == entranceFee * newPlayers.length, "PuppyRaffle: Must send enough to enter raffle"); for (uint256 i = 0; i < newPlayers.length; i++) { players.push(newPlayers[i]); + addressToRaffleId[newPlayers[i]] = raffleId; } - // Check for duplicates + // Check for duplicates only from the new players + for (uint256 i = 0; i < newPlayers.length; i++) { + require(addressToRaffleId[newPlayers[i]] != raffleId, "PuppyRaffle: Duplicate player"); + } - for (uint256 i = 0; i < players.length; i++) { - for (uint256 j = i + 1; j < players.length; j++) { - require(players[i] != players[j], "PuppyRaffle: Duplicate player"); - } - } emit RaffleEnter(newPlayers); } . . . function selectWinner() external { + raffleId = raffleId + 1; require(block.timestamp >= raffleStartTime + raffleDuration, "PuppyRaffle: Raffle not over"); ``` 3. Alternatively, you could use [**OpenZeppelin's EnumerableSet library**](https://docs.openzeppelin.com/contracts/5.x/api/utils#EnumerableSet). ### Wrap Up That's all there is to it! Let's add this recommendation to our `findings.md` report for this vulnerability and we can move on to the next issue! <details> <Summary>DoS Writeup</summary> ### [M-#] Looping through players array to check for duplicates in `PuppyRaffle::enterRaffle` is a potential denial of service (DoS) attack, incrementing gas costs for future entrants **Description:** The `PuppyRaffle::enterRaffle` function loops through the `players` array to check for duplicates. However, the longer the `PuppyRaffle:players` array is, the more checks a new player will have to make. This means the gas costs for players who enter right when the raffle starts will be dramatically lower than those who enter later. Every additional address in the `players` array is an additional check the loop will have to make. ```javascript // @audit Dos Attack @> for(uint256 i = 0; i < players.length -1; i++){ for(uint256 j = i+1; j< players.length; j++){ require(players[i] != players[j],"PuppyRaffle: Duplicate Player"); } } ``` **Impact:** The gas consts for raffle entrants will greatly increase as more players enter the raffle, discouraging later users from entering and causing a rush at the start of a raffle to be one of the first entrants in queue. An attacker might make the `PuppyRaffle:entrants` array so big that no one else enters, guaranteeing themselves the win. **Proof of Concept:** If we have 2 sets of 100 players enter, the gas costs will be as such: - 1st 100 players: ~6252048 gas - 2nd 100 players: ~18068138 gas This is more than 3x more expensive for the second 100 players. <details> <summary>Proof of Code</summary> ```js function testDenialOfService() public { // Foundry lets us set a gas price vm.txGasPrice(1); // Creates 100 addresses uint256 playersNum = 100; address[] memory players = new address[](playersNum); for (uint256 i = 0; i < players.length; i++) { players[i] = address(i); } // Gas calculations for first 100 players uint256 gasStart = gasleft(); puppyRaffle.enterRaffle{value: entranceFee * players.length}(players); uint256 gasEnd = gasleft(); uint256 gasUsedFirst = (gasStart - gasEnd) * tx.gasprice; console.log("Gas cost of the first 100 players: ", gasUsedFirst); // Creates another array of 100 players address[] memory playersTwo = new address[](playersNum); for (uint256 i = 0; i < playersTwo.length; i++) { playersTwo[i] = address(i + playersNum); } // Gas calculations for second 100 players uint256 gasStartTwo = gasleft(); puppyRaffle.enterRaffle{value: entranceFee * players.length}(playersTwo); uint256 gasEndTwo = gasleft(); uint256 gasUsedSecond = (gasStartTwo - gasEndTwo) * tx.gasprice; console.log("Gas cost of the second 100 players: ", gasUsedSecond); assert(gasUsedSecond > gasUsedFirst); } ``` </details> :br **Recommended Mitigations:** There are a few recommended mitigations. 1. Consider allowing duplicates. Users can make new wallet addresses anyways, so a duplicate check doesn't prevent the same person from entering multiple times, only the same wallet address. 2. Consider using a mapping to check duplicates. This would allow you to check for duplicates in constant time, rather than linear time. You could have each raffle have a uint256 id, and the mapping would be a player address mapped to the raffle Id. ```diff + mapping(address => uint256) public addressToRaffleId; + uint256 public raffleId = 0; . . . function enterRaffle(address[] memory newPlayers) public payable { require(msg.value == entranceFee * newPlayers.length, "PuppyRaffle: Must send enough to enter raffle"); for (uint256 i = 0; i < newPlayers.length; i++) { players.push(newPlayers[i]); + addressToRaffleId[newPlayers[i]] = raffleId; } - // Check for duplicates + // Check for duplicates only from the new players + for (uint256 i = 0; i < newPlayers.length; i++) { + require(addressToRaffleId[newPlayers[i]] != raffleId, "PuppyRaffle: Duplicate player"); + } - for (uint256 i = 0; i < players.length; i++) { - for (uint256 j = i + 1; j < players.length; j++) { - require(players[i] != players[j], "PuppyRaffle: Duplicate player"); - } - } emit RaffleEnter(newPlayers); } . . . function selectWinner() external { + raffleId = raffleId + 1; require(block.timestamp >= raffleStartTime + raffleDuration, "PuppyRaffle: Raffle not over"); ``` 3. Alternatively, you could use [**OpenZeppelin's EnumerableSet library**](https://docs.openzeppelin.com/contracts/5.x/api/utils#EnumerableSet). </details>
How to Remove Duplicates from Arrays with Patrick
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