_Follow along with this video:_ --- ### Pitstop At this point, we're nearly done. We've two outstanding things to cover. The first will be running through the `Slither` and `Aderyn` reports for Puppy Raffle and finally we'll check the code quality/tests for this repo. Once we've completed those steps, I'm going to walk you through `Competitive Audits` on CodeHawks and how to submit a finding! Then, the very last thing we'll do in this section is write our Puppy Raffle report, with PoCs. We won't always be going through the entire reporting process together. It can be time intensive, but it's important for you to practice these skills on your own. This is your opportunity to test yourself, gain insights, and prepare for future competitive audits. You can find the Puppy Raffle final report in markdown within the [**audit-data branch**](https://github.com/Cyfrin/4-puppy-raffle-audit/tree/audit-data/audit-data) of the repo, along with a PDF version. You will also find the output of our `Aderyn` and `Slither` reports there, in case you want to compare yours and ensure its correctness. That's it! By the end you'll have another professional audit report to add to your security review portfolio. In the next lesson, we start with Slither!
Conducting Code Quality Test Using Slither & Aderyn Tools; Practice Tips Given by Patrick.
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