_Follow along with this video:_ --- ### Mishandling of ETH To see this vulnerability in action we're going to again reference our [**sc-exploits-minimized**](https://github.com/Cyfrin/sc-exploits-minimized) repo! There are two situational examples available for `Mishandling of ETH` for this lesson we want [**Remix (Vulnerable to selfdestruct)**](https://remix.ethereum.org/#url=https://github.com/Cyfrin/sc-exploits-minimized/blob/main/src/mishandling-of-eth/SelfDestructMe.sol&lang=en&optimize=false&runs=200&evmVersion=null&version=soljson-v0.8.20+commit.a1b79de6.js). > Remember: The codebase is available on the [**sc-exploits-minimized**](https://github.com/Cyfrin/sc-exploits-minimized/blob/main/src/mishandling-of-eth/SelfDestructMe.sol) repo as well, if you want to test things locally. ### Remix Example We've done this a few times, so we should be familiar with the process - go ahead and compile our `SelfDestructMe.sol` contract and deploy. You'll likely be met with this message, `selfdestruct` is being heavily considered for deprecation, but for now this vulnerability still exists, so we can ignore this message for now. ::image{src='/security-section-4/34-mishandling-eth-minimized/mishandling-eth-minimized1.png' style='width: 50%; height: auto;'} <details> <summary>SelfDestructMe.sol</summary> ```js contract SelfDestructMe { uint256 public totalDeposits; mapping(address => uint256) public deposits; function deposit() external payable { deposits[msg.sender] += msg.value; totalDeposits += msg.value; } function withdraw() external { /* Apparently the only way to deposit ETH in the contract is via the `deposit` function. If that were the case, this strict equality would always hold. But anyone can deposit ETH via selfdestruct, or by setting this contract as the target of a beacon chain withdrawal. (see last paragraph of this section https://eth2book.info/capella/part2/deposits-withdrawals/withdrawal-processing/#performing-withdrawals), regardless of the contract not having a `receive` function. If anybody deposits ETH that way, then the equality breaks and the contract is DoS'd. To fix it, the code could be changed to >= instead of ==. Which means that the available ETH balance should be _at least_ `totalDeposits`, which makes more sense. */ assert(address(this).balance == totalDeposits); // bad uint256 amount = deposits[msg.sender]; totalDeposits -= amount; deposits[msg.sender] = 0; payable(msg.sender).transfer(amount); } } ``` </details> :br `SelfDestructMe.sol` is a fairly straightforward contract at a glance, experiment with the basic functions of the contract as you wish. A user is able to deposit funds, which updates their balance as well as the `totalDeposits` variable. A user can also call `withdraw`, this function checks that the contract's balance is still equal to the `totalDeposits` and if so will updates balances and transfer funds. I've deposited 1 Ether to the contract, here. ::image{src='/security-section-4/34-mishandling-eth-minimized/mishandling-eth-minimized2.png' style='width: 50%; height: auto;'} The issue comes from this line: ```js assert(address(this).balance == totalDeposits); ``` The core of this vulnerability is the assumption that, without a `receive` or `fallback` function, the only way to send value to this contract is through the deposit function. This is **_false_**. Go ahead and deploy the `AttackSelfDestructMe.sol` contract. The constructor requires an attack target, so be sure to copy the address for `SelfDestructMe.sol` and pass it to your deploy. Give the contract a balance during deployment as well. ::image{src='/security-section-4/34-mishandling-eth-minimized/mishandling-eth-minimized3.png' style='width: 50%; height: auto;'} Now, when the attack function is called, `selfdestruct` will be triggered, and we expect to see our 5 Ether forced onto `SelfDestructMe.sol`. And, that's exactly what we see: ::image{src='/security-section-4/34-mishandling-eth-minimized/mishandling-eth-minimized4.png' style='width: 50%; height: auto;'} Lastly, try calling the `withdraw` function on `SelfDestructMe.sol`. It reverts! The contract's accounting has been broken and it's balance is now stuck! ::image{src='/security-section-4/34-mishandling-eth-minimized/mishandling-eth-minimized5.png' style='width: 75%; height: auto;'} ### Wrap Up We've illustrated how relying on a contract's balance as a means of internal counting can be risky. There's really no way to be certain that arbitrary value isn't sent to a contract currently. As I'd mentioned previously, the concept of `Mishandling Eth` is a broad one. Our sc-exploits-minimized repo outlines another common scenario (push over pull) that I encourage you to look at, as we won't go over it here. Ultimately, this is another finding for sure - let's make note of it. ```js // @Audit: Mishandling Eth function withdraw() external {...} ```
How ETH Misuse Leads to Smart Contract Vulnerability, Patrick Explains Solutions
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