_Follow along with the video lesson:_ --- ### Wrapping Up This time, I'm not going to walk you through the reporting. This section is going to be a challenge I set to you to generate your own PDF report for this `Thunder Loan` section. Remember, you can always reference the audit-data branch of the ThunderLoan repo for help. I've included a [**README**](https://github.com/Cyfrin/6-thunder-loan-audit/blob/audit-data/audit-data/README.md) detailing the steps to generate the PDF report as well as an [**example report**](https://github.com/Cyfrin/6-thunder-loan-audit/blob/audit-data/audit-data/report.pdf) to compare yours to. Customize the report to your liking, but _do not_ skip this step. **_Actually_** create this report. It's only through repetition that you'll build familiarity and get really good at these things, and you'll have a bad-ass new audit to add to your portfolio. ### First Flights If you understood everything in this section, you're absolutely ready to sign up to `CodeHawks First Flights`. `Thunder Loan` was actually a code base which was featured in a `First Flight`, so you **are** ready to start gaining some real experience in a competitive audit. Check out the currently active and upcoming First Flights [**here**](https://www.codehawks.com/first-flights). Then, the next step is to join `CodeHawks` and jump into _real_ competitive audits. These mock code bases are not that far from many real protocols (they're literally forks!). This section wasn't easy, a huge congratulations for getting this far. Get pumped, test your skills out and once your PDF report is added to your profile, let's recap everything together in the next lesson.
Learn to create your own audit report with Pandoc! Patrick encourages you to sign up for first flights and join competitive audits on CodeHawks.
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