Intro to fuzz testing

Introducing fuzz testing in blockchain development, this lesson explores using random inputs for testing smart contracts, emphasizing the importance of mock functions and fuzz testing for secure and stable systems.

Solidity Developer

Foundry Fundamentals

1. Introduction
A comprehensive guide to building a smart contract lottery using Foundry - This lesson explores the Foundry smart contract development environment and dives into a real-world example of creating a lottery contract with verifiable randomness using Chainlink VRF. Duration: 6min
2. Smart contract lottery - Project setup
Introduction to building an advanced lottery or raffle smart contract, covering key features like Chainlink automation and random number generation. Duration: 6min
3. Solidity style guide
Exploration of Solidity's code layout and function ordering for efficient smart contract development. Duration: 2min
4. Creating custom errors
Guidance on using custom errors in Solidity for gas-efficient and effective error checking. Duration: 8min
5. Smart contracts events
In this lesson we'll explore how to use events in Ethereum smart contracts, specifically in a lottery system context. Duration: 12min
6. Random numbers - Block Timestamp
Insights into using block timestamps for random number generation in lottery smart contracts. Duration: 5min
7. Random numbers - Introduction to Chainlink VRF
Introduction to using Chainlink VRF for generating random numbers in blockchain applications. Duration: 10min
8. Implement the Chainlink VRF
Tutorial on deploying and integrating Chainlink VRF in smart contracts for random number generation. Duration: 23min
9. Implementing Vrf Fulfil
A comprehensive guide to implementing Chainlink VRF Fulfill - In this lesson, we dive deep into the world of Chainlink VRF (Verifiable Random Function) and how to implement the Fulfill functionality in Solidity smart contracts. We explore how to integrate Chainlink VRF into our own raffle contract, using the VRFConsumerBaseV2Plus contract to process random number requests and define a custom FulfillRandomWords function to handle the response. Learn how to make requests to the Chainlink VRF Coordinator, interpret the response, and ultimately utilize the randomly generated number within your own application. Duration: 8min
10. The modulo operation
Explanation of using the modulo operation for selecting random winners in smart contract games. Duration: 6min
12. Implementing the lottery state - Enum
Discussion on using enums to manage different states in a raffle smart contract. Duration: 6min
13. Lottery restart - Resetting an Array
Exploration of resetting player arrays in smart contracts to start new game rounds. Duration: 2min
14. Important: Note on learning by building
Insights into the true process of building solidity projects, highlighting the iterative nature of coding. Duration: 2min
15. The CEI method - Checks, Effects, Interactions
An overview of the Checks-Effects-Interactions pattern for secure and efficient smart contract development. Duration: 4min
16. Introduction to Chainlink Automation
This lesson covers the basics of Chainlink Automation, essential for automating the 'Pick Winner' function in a lottery application. It delves into the use of Chainlink VRF for randomness and explores time-based automation and custom logic through Chainlink. Duration: 17min
17. Implementing Chainlink Automation
Focusing on implementing Chainlink Automation, this lesson teaches how to use \`checkUpkeep\` and \`performUpkeep\` functions for automated execution in Chainlink-powered smart contracts, enhancing their autonomy and efficiency. Duration: 12min
18. Custom Error
A comprehensive guide to custom errors with parameters. This lesson covers how to create custom errors in Solidity smart contracts and how to add parameters to those errors so that the chainlink keepers can automatically kick off a VRF request. Duration: 2min
20. Mid section recap
A recap of the progress in developing a fair and transparent lottery system using Chainlink's VRF. The lesson revisits key concepts like the raffle contract, buying into the raffle, and the decentralized draw process. Duration: 3min
21. Test and deploy the lottery smart contract pt.1
This lesson emphasizes the importance of testing and deploying smart contracts efficiently. It guides through creating deploy scripts and testing them on various networks, ensuring reliable and secure deployment of lottery contracts. Duration: 2min
22. Deploy Script
A comprehensive guide to deploying a Chainlink VRF Raffle smart contract - This lesson covers how to set up your code base for deploying a Chainlink VRF Raffle smart contract using Foundry, including creating new files, adding a pragma, importing the necessary dependencies, and setting up an abstract contract. The video also discusses how to create a Helper Config smart contract and set up a local chain ID for testing purposes. Duration: 11min
23. Deploy a mock Chainlink VRF
The focus of this lesson is on deploying a mock Chainlink VRF, vital for testing smart contracts. It provides insights into setting up mock contracts, adjusting parameters, and the importance of Chainlink VRF in blockchain development. Duration: 7min
24. Test and deploy the lottery smart contract pt.2
Continuing from the previous part, this lesson dives deeper into testing and deploying lottery smart contracts. It covers the usage of helper configurations and the integration of network-specific configurations for smooth deployment. Duration: 4min
25. Setup the tests
This lesson teaches the setup and execution of tests for smart contracts, emphasizing the significance of forge coverage and the Arrange-Act-Assert methodology to ensure robust and reliable smart contract functionality. Duration: 8min
26. Headers
A fun little tool to generate Solidity headers - This video teaches you how to use a tool called 'headers' that will help generate Solidity code headers. Duration: 1min
27. Adding more tests
A continuation of developing comprehensive tests for smart contracts, this lesson focuses on enhancing code coverage and efficiency in testing, particularly for the \`check upkeep\` function. Duration: 7min
28. Testing events
A detailed guide on testing events emitted by smart contracts, highlighting the use of Foundry's \`expectEmit\` function. The lesson focuses on ensuring correct event emissions, crucial for smart contract validation. Duration: 5min
29. Using vm.roll and vm.warp
Exploring the use of \`vm.roll\` and \`vm.warp\` in smart contract testing, this lesson demonstrates how to adjust block time and number for testing various states and transitions in smart contracts. Duration: 6min
30. Subscribing to events
This lesson covers the process of deploying contracts, creating, and managing Chainlink VRF subscriptions. It focuses on resolving common errors and efficiently managing Chainlink VRF in smart contracts. Duration: 18min
31. Creating the subscription UI
A guide to creating and managing front-end subscriptions for Ethereum Blockchain, this lesson covers steps from transaction initiation to automatic link token funding, emphasizing user interface interactions. Duration: 4min
32. Fund subscription
This lesson teaches how to create and execute a contract script to fund blockchain subscriptions, detailing the parameters needed and the process of funding subscriptions using mock functions. Duration: 15min
33. Adding a consumer
Focusing on adding a consumer to a subscription, this lesson explains the process of adding a consumer contract to a Chainlink VRF subscription, using scripting to simplify the deployment and management. Duration: 13min
34. Even More Tests
A comprehensive guide to testing a Solidity smart contract with Foundry. This lesson covers the basics of creating a testing environment, writing unit tests, and understanding code coverage. Duration: 5min
35. Coverage Report
A comprehensive guide to smart contract testing and coverage reports using Foundry. The lesson covers how to generate a coverage report to identify untested lines of code, and how to interpret the coverage report to identify areas that need further testing. Duration: 4min
36. Testing and refactoring the performUpkeep
This lesson delves into writing tests for the \`performUpkeep\` function, emphasizing the need for thorough testing and refactoring to ensure the reliability and efficiency of smart contracts. Duration: 7min
37. Refactoring events data
A guide to refining the use of emitted events in smart contracts, this lesson covers extracting and utilizing event data, with a focus on testing and improving code efficiency. Duration: 9min
38. Intro to fuzz testing
Introducing fuzz testing in blockchain development, this lesson explores using random inputs for testing smart contracts, emphasizing the importance of mock functions and fuzz testing for secure and stable systems. Duration: 9min
39. One Big Test
This lesson focuses on creating a comprehensive function test for a Raffle contract in a blockchain environment, covering the entire lifecycle of a raffle including entry, drawing, and prize distribution, and integrating Chainlink VRF in a test environment. Duration: 13min
40. Forked test environment and dynamic private keys
A guide on running tests in a forked test environment, addressing the challenges and solutions related to deployer identification. It covers the dynamics of testing smart contracts on different blockchain environments and the importance of dynamic deployer keys. Duration: 12min
41. Creating integration tests
This lesson transitions from unit testing to integration testing in smart contract development, highlighting the significance of deploying and testing on testnets and mainnets. It offers insights into the practical aspects of ensuring smart contracts function as intended in a live blockchain environment. Duration: 4min
42. Deploy the lottery on the testnet pt.1
In this lesson, learners are guided through deploying a smart contract onto a testnet, using a Makefile for automation, and interacting with the live contract on Etherscan. It emphasizes the real-world application and testing of smart contracts. Duration: 16min
43. Implementing console log in your smart contract
Focusing on debugging techniques in Solidity, this lesson teaches the implementation of console.log for debugging smart contracts. It highlights the importance of removing console logs before deploying to mainnet or testnet to save Ether and maintain efficiency. Duration: 1min
44. Debug using forge test
Introducing the Forge Debug Tool, this lesson explains how to use the debug functionality in Forge for in-depth analysis and step-through of smart contract code. It emphasizes the tool's utility in understanding specific elements in code for advanced debugging. Duration: 1min
46. Section recap
A comprehensive recap of creating a provably fair lottery on the blockchain. The lesson revisits key components like custom errors, enums, private variables, constructor verbosity, raffle and Chainlink automation, and deployment on testnet, culminating in a complete overview of the project. Duration: 6min

Course Overview

About the course

What you'll learn

Foundryup, Foundry Forge, and Anvil

Blockchain Oracles

How to create local Blockchain testnets

How to verify a smart contract

How to write and run smart contract tests

Course Description

Who is this course for?

  • Software engineers
  • Web3 developers
  • Blockchain security researchers

Potential Careers

Security researcher

$49,999 - $120,000 (avg. salary)

Smart Contract Engineer

$100,000 - $150,000 (avg. salary)

Web3 developer

$60,000 - $150,000 (avg. salary)

Web3 Developer Relations

$85,000 - $125,000 (avg. salary)

Smart Contract Auditor

$100,000 - $200,000 (avg. salary)

Meet your instructors

Patrick Collins

Patrick Collins

Founder at Cyfrin

Web3 engineer, educator, and Cyfrin co-founder. Patrick's smart contract development and security courses have helped hundreds of thousands of engineers kickstarting their careers into web3.

Guest lecturers:

Richard Gottleber

Richard Gottleber

Developer relations at Chainlink

Vasiliy Gualoto

Vasiliy Gualoto

Developer relations at ThirdWeb

Last updated on March 27, 2025


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Gustavo Gonzalez

Gustavo Gonzalez

Solutions Engineer at OpenZeppelin

Francesco Andreoli

Francesco Andreoli

Lead Devrel at Metamask

Albert Hu

Albert Hu

DeForm Founding Engineer



Senior Developer Advocate at Ceramic






Developer Relations Engineer at Axelar
