_Follow along with this video:_ --- ### Testing on a forked chain > ❗ **IMPORTANT** > Up until now we've followed Patrick's video in 99.9% of the cases. But between Patrick filming the video lessons and the writing of this lesson Chainlink VRF got upgraded to v2.5. So with the code we have right now, we won't be able to test it on a fork. One of the main changes is the type of `subscriptionId`. If you followed the lesson when we created a new subscription using Chainlink's UI you saw that your code looks more like this `56337043680668238338308639953697831315254325227567930909387210179785852470990` while Patrick's looks like this `2924`, this is because the new `subscriptionId` is `uint256` and not `uint64`. Even if this looks like a small change, it has a ton of ramifications throughout the Chainlink contracts. You can read more about the migration from v2.0 to v2.5 [here](https://docs.chain.link/vrf/v2-5/migration-from-v2). That being said: 1. Please rename your current `Raffle.sol` into `Raffle_Old.sol`. Create a new file called `Raffle.sol` and paste the following contract inside: ```solidity // SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED pragma solidity ^0.8.19; import {IVRFCoordinatorV2Plus} from "chainlink/src/v0.8/vrf/dev/interfaces/IVRFCoordinatorV2Plus.sol"; import {VRFV2PlusClient} from "chainlink/src/v0.8/vrf/dev/libraries/VRFV2PlusClient.sol"; import {VRFCoordinatorV2_5} from "chainlink/src/v0.8/vrf/dev/VRFCoordinatorV2_5.sol"; import {VRFConsumerBaseV2Plus} from "chainlink/src/v0.8/vrf/dev/VRFConsumerBaseV2Plus.sol"; import {AutomationCompatibleInterface} from "chainlink/src/v0.8/automation/interfaces/AutomationCompatibleInterface.sol"; /** * @title Raffle * @author EngrPips * @notice This contract if Particpating in a Raffle and standing the chance to win. * @dev This contract heavily implements the chainlink VRF and Automation */ // 0x9ddfaca8183c41ad55329bdeed9f6a8d53168b1b => VRFCoordinator // 54528670710849503547892655734386820566589065322714869834102560641565075666367 => subId contract Raffle is VRFConsumerBaseV2Plus, AutomationCompatibleInterface { /* ERRORS */ error Raffle__NotEnoughEthSent(); error Raffle__TransferFailed(); error Raffle__RaffleNotOpen(); error Raffle__UpkeepNotNeeded( uint256 currentBalance, uint256 numPlayers, uint256 raffleState ); error Raffle__LotteryIsCalculatingWinner(); /* USER DEFINED TYPES */ enum RaffleState { OPEN, CALCULATING } /* EVENTS */ event EnteredRaffle(address indexed player); event PickedWinner(address winner); event RequestedRaffleWinner(uint256 indexed requestId); /* STATE VARIABLES */ RaffleState private s_raffleState; IVRFCoordinatorV2Plus private immutable i_vrfCoordinatorContract; uint16 private constant REQUEST_CONFIRMATIONS = 3; uint32 private constant NUM_WORDS = 1; uint256 private immutable i_entranceFee; uint256 private immutable i_interval; uint256 private s_lastTimeStamp; uint256 private immutable i_subscriptionId; bytes32 private immutable i_gasLane; uint32 private immutable i_callbackGasLimit; address payable private s_recentWinner; address payable[] private s_players; constructor(uint256 _entranceFee, uint256 _interval,address _vrfCoordinator, bytes32 _gasLane, uint256 _subscriptionId, uint32 callbackGasLimit) VRFConsumerBaseV2Plus( _vrfCoordinator) { i_entranceFee = _entranceFee; i_interval = _interval; s_raffleState = RaffleState.OPEN; s_lastTimeStamp = block.timestamp; i_vrfCoordinatorContract = IVRFCoordinatorV2Plus(_vrfCoordinator); i_gasLane = _gasLane; i_subscriptionId = _subscriptionId; i_callbackGasLimit = callbackGasLimit; } function enterRaffle() public payable { if (s_raffleState == RaffleState.CALCULATING) revert Raffle__RaffleNotOpen(); if (msg.value < i_entranceFee) revert Raffle__NotEnoughEthSent(); s_players.push(payable(msg.sender)); emit EnteredRaffle(msg.sender); } function checkUpkeep(bytes memory /* checkData */ ) public view returns (bool upkeepNeeded, bytes memory /* performData */ ) { // We don't use the checkData in this example. The checkData is defined when the Upkeep was registered. bool timeHasPassed = block.timestamp - s_lastTimeStamp >= i_interval; bool hasPlayer = s_players.length > 0; bool hasBalance = address(this).balance > 0; bool isOpen = s_raffleState == RaffleState.OPEN; upkeepNeeded = (timeHasPassed && hasPlayer && hasBalance && isOpen); return(upkeepNeeded, "0x0"); } function performUpkeep(bytes calldata /* performData */) public { (bool upkeepNeeded,) = checkUpkeep(""); if(!upkeepNeeded) revert Raffle__UpkeepNotNeeded(address(this).balance, getNumberOfPlayers(), uint256(getRaffleState())); s_raffleState = RaffleState.CALCULATING; uint256 requestId = i_vrfCoordinatorContract.requestRandomWords(VRFV2PlusClient.RandomWordsRequest({ keyHash: i_gasLane, subId: i_subscriptionId, requestConfirmations: REQUEST_CONFIRMATIONS, callbackGasLimit: i_callbackGasLimit, numWords: NUM_WORDS, // Set nativePayment to true to pay for VRF requests with Sepolia ETH instead of LINK extraArgs: VRFV2PlusClient._argsToBytes(VRFV2PlusClient.ExtraArgsV1({nativePayment: false})) })); emit RequestedRaffleWinner(requestId); } function fulfillRandomWords(uint256 requestId, uint256[] calldata randomWords) internal override { uint256 indexOfWinner = randomWords[0] % s_players.length; address payable addressOfWinner = s_players[indexOfWinner]; s_recentWinner = addressOfWinner; emit PickedWinner(addressOfWinner); s_players = new address payable[](0); s_lastTimeStamp = block.timestamp; s_raffleState = RaffleState.OPEN; (bool success,) = addressOfWinner.call{value: address(this).balance}(""); if (!success) revert Raffle__TransferFailed(); } /** GETTERS */ function getRaffleState() public view returns (RaffleState) { return s_raffleState; } function getNumWords() public pure returns (uint256) { return NUM_WORDS; } function getRequestConfirmations() public pure returns (uint256) { return REQUEST_CONFIRMATIONS; } function getRecentWinner() public view returns (address) { return s_recentWinner; } function getPlayer(uint256 index) public view returns (address) { return s_players[index]; } function getLastTimeStamp() public view returns (uint256) { return s_lastTimeStamp; } function getInterval() public view returns (uint256) { return i_interval; } function getEntranceFee() public view returns (uint256) { return i_entranceFee; } function getNumberOfPlayers() public view returns (uint256) { return s_players.length; } } ``` You will see that the new contract is very similar. It only has some changes related to the VRF v2.5 integration, other than that the functionality is the same. 2. Please run the following command in your CLI: `forge install openzeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts --no-commit` 3. Add the following line to your `remappings.txt`: `@openzeppelin/=lib/openzeppelin-contracts/` 4. Open `lib/chainlink/contracts/src/v0.8/vrf/mocks` folder and create a new file called `VRFCoordinatorV2PlusMock.sol` 5. Copy the following inside the newly created file: ```solidity // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // A mock for testing code that relies on VRFCoordinatorV2Plus. pragma solidity 0.8.23; import { VRFCoordinatorV2Interface } from "../interfaces/VRFCoordinatorV2Interface.sol"; import { VRFConsumerBaseV2Plus } from "../dev/VRFConsumerBaseV2Plus.sol"; import { ConfirmedOwner } from "../../shared/access/ConfirmedOwner.sol"; import { IVRFCoordinatorV2Plus } from "../dev/interfaces/IVRFCoordinatorV2Plus.sol"; import { VRFV2PlusClient } from "../dev/libraries/VRFV2PlusClient.sol"; // solhint-disable chainlink-solidity/prefix-immutable-variables-with-i // solhint-disable gas-custom-errors // solhint-disable avoid-low-level-calls contract VRFCoordinatorV2PlusMock is ConfirmedOwner, IVRFCoordinatorV2Plus { uint96 public immutable BASE_FEE; uint96 public immutable GAS_PRICE_LINK; uint16 public immutable MAX_CONSUMERS = 100; error InvalidSubscription(); error InsufficientBalance(); error MustBeSubOwner(address owner); error TooManyConsumers(); error InvalidConsumer(); error InvalidRandomWords(); error Reentrant(); event RandomWordsRequested( bytes32 indexed keyHash, uint256 requestId, uint256 preSeed, uint256 indexed subId, uint16 minimumRequestConfirmations, uint32 callbackGasLimit, uint32 numWords, address indexed sender ); event RandomWordsFulfilled(uint256 indexed requestId, uint256 outputSeed, uint96 payment, bool success); event SubscriptionCreated(uint256 indexed subId, address owner); event SubscriptionFunded(uint256 indexed subId, uint256 oldBalance, uint256 newBalance); event SubscriptionFundedWithNative(uint256 indexed subId, uint256 oldNativeBalance, uint256 newNativeBalance); event SubscriptionCanceled(uint256 indexed subId, address to, uint256 amount); event ConsumerAdded(uint256 indexed subId, address consumer); event ConsumerRemoved(uint256 indexed subId, address consumer); event ConfigSet(); struct Config { // Reentrancy protection. bool reentrancyLock; } Config private s_config; uint256 internal s_currentSubId; uint256 internal s_nextRequestId = 1; uint256 internal s_nextPreSeed = 100; struct Subscription { address owner; uint96 nativeBalance; uint96 balance; } mapping(uint256 => Subscription) internal s_subscriptions; /* subId */ /* subscription */ mapping(uint256 => address[]) internal s_consumers; /* subId */ /* consumers */ struct Request { uint256 subId; uint32 callbackGasLimit; uint32 numWords; } mapping(uint256 => Request) internal s_requests; /* requestId */ /* request */ constructor(uint96 _baseFee, uint96 _gasPriceLink) ConfirmedOwner(msg.sender) { BASE_FEE = _baseFee; GAS_PRICE_LINK = _gasPriceLink; setConfig(); } /** * @notice Sets the configuration of the vrfv2 mock coordinator */ function setConfig() public onlyOwner { s_config = Config({ reentrancyLock: false }); emit ConfigSet(); } function consumerIsAdded(uint256 _subId, address _consumer) public view returns (bool) { address[] memory consumers = s_consumers[_subId]; for (uint256 i = 0; i < consumers.length; i++) { if (consumers[i] == _consumer) { return true; } } return false; } modifier onlyValidConsumer(uint256 _subId, address _consumer) { if (!consumerIsAdded(_subId, _consumer)) { revert InvalidConsumer(); } _; } /** * @notice fulfillRandomWords fulfills the given request, sending the random words to the supplied * @notice consumer. * * @dev This mock uses a simplified formula for calculating payment amount and gas usage, and does * @dev not account for all edge cases handled in the real VRF coordinator. When making requests * @dev against the real coordinator a small amount of additional LINK is required. * * @param _requestId the request to fulfill * @param _consumer the VRF randomness consumer to send the result to */ function fulfillRandomWords(uint256 _requestId, address _consumer) external nonReentrant { fulfillRandomWordsWithOverride(_requestId, _consumer, new uint256[](0)); } /** * @notice fulfillRandomWordsWithOverride allows the user to pass in their own random words. * * @param _requestId the request to fulfill * @param _consumer the VRF randomness consumer to send the result to * @param _words user-provided random words */ function fulfillRandomWordsWithOverride(uint256 _requestId, address _consumer, uint256[] memory _words) public { uint256 startGas = gasleft(); if (s_requests[_requestId].subId == 0) { revert("nonexistent request"); } Request memory req = s_requests[_requestId]; if (_words.length == 0) { _words = new uint256[](req.numWords); for (uint256 i = 0; i < req.numWords; i++) { _words[i] = uint256(keccak256(abi.encode(_requestId, i))); } } else if (_words.length != req.numWords) { revert InvalidRandomWords(); } VRFConsumerBaseV2Plus v; bytes memory callReq = abi.encodeWithSelector(v.rawFulfillRandomWords.selector, _requestId, _words); s_config.reentrancyLock = true; (bool success, ) = _consumer.call{ gas: req.callbackGasLimit }(callReq); s_config.reentrancyLock = false; uint96 payment = uint96(BASE_FEE + ((startGas - gasleft()) * GAS_PRICE_LINK)); if (s_subscriptions[req.subId].balance < payment) { revert InsufficientBalance(); } s_subscriptions[req.subId].balance -= payment; delete (s_requests[_requestId]); emit RandomWordsFulfilled(_requestId, _requestId, payment, success); } /** * @notice fundSubscription allows funding a subscription with an arbitrary amount for testing. * * @param _subId the subscription to fund * @param _amount the amount to fund */ function fundSubscription(uint256 _subId, uint96 _amount) public { if (s_subscriptions[_subId].owner == address(0)) { revert InvalidSubscription(); } uint96 oldBalance = s_subscriptions[_subId].balance; s_subscriptions[_subId].balance += _amount; emit SubscriptionFunded(_subId, oldBalance, oldBalance + _amount); } function fundSubscriptionWithNative(uint256 _subId) external payable override nonReentrant { if (s_subscriptions[_subId].owner == address(0)) { revert InvalidSubscription(); } uint96 oldNativeBalance = s_subscriptions[_subId].nativeBalance; s_subscriptions[_subId].nativeBalance += uint96(msg.value); emit SubscriptionFundedWithNative(_subId, oldNativeBalance, oldNativeBalance + msg.value); } function requestRandomWords( VRFV2PlusClient.RandomWordsRequest calldata req ) external override nonReentrant onlyValidConsumer(req.subId, msg.sender) returns (uint256) { if (s_subscriptions[req.subId].owner == address(0)) { revert InvalidSubscription(); } uint256 requestId = s_nextRequestId++; uint256 preSeed = s_nextPreSeed++; s_requests[requestId] = Request({ subId: req.subId, callbackGasLimit: req.callbackGasLimit, numWords: req.numWords }); emit RandomWordsRequested( req.keyHash, requestId, preSeed, req.subId, req.requestConfirmations, req.callbackGasLimit, req.numWords, msg.sender ); return requestId; } function createSubscription() external override returns (uint256) { s_currentSubId++; s_subscriptions[s_currentSubId] = Subscription({ owner: msg.sender, balance: 0, nativeBalance: 0 }); emit SubscriptionCreated(s_currentSubId, msg.sender); return s_currentSubId; } function getSubscription( uint256 subId ) external view override returns (uint96 balance, uint96 nativeBalance, uint64 reqCount, address owner, address[] memory consumers) { if (s_subscriptions[subId].owner == address(0)) { revert InvalidSubscription(); } return ( s_subscriptions[subId].balance, s_subscriptions[subId].nativeBalance, 0, s_subscriptions[subId].owner, s_consumers[subId] ); } function cancelSubscription(uint256 _subId, address _to) external override onlySubOwner(_subId) nonReentrant { emit SubscriptionCanceled(_subId, _to, s_subscriptions[_subId].balance); delete (s_subscriptions[_subId]); } modifier onlySubOwner(uint256 _subId) { address owner = s_subscriptions[_subId].owner; if (owner == address(0)) { revert InvalidSubscription(); } if (msg.sender != owner) { revert MustBeSubOwner(owner); } _; } function getRequestConfig() external pure returns (uint16, uint32, bytes32[] memory) { return (3, 2000000, new bytes32[](0)); } function addConsumer(uint256 subId, address consumer) external override onlySubOwner(subId) { if (s_consumers[subId].length == MAX_CONSUMERS) { revert TooManyConsumers(); } if (consumerIsAdded(subId, consumer)) { return; } s_consumers[subId].push(consumer); emit ConsumerAdded(subId, consumer); } function removeConsumer( uint256 _subId, address _consumer ) external override onlySubOwner(_subId) onlyValidConsumer(_subId, _consumer) nonReentrant { address[] storage consumers = s_consumers[_subId]; for (uint256 i = 0; i < consumers.length; i++) { if (consumers[i] == _consumer) { address last = consumers[consumers.length - 1]; consumers[i] = last; consumers.pop(); break; } } emit ConsumerRemoved(_subId, _consumer); } function getConfig() external pure returns ( uint16 minimumRequestConfirmations, uint32 maxGasLimit, uint32 stalenessSeconds, uint32 gasAfterPaymentCalculation ) { return (4, 2_500_000, 2_700, 33285); } function getFeeConfig() external pure returns ( uint32 fulfillmentFlatFeeLinkPPMTier1, uint32 fulfillmentFlatFeeLinkPPMTier2, uint32 fulfillmentFlatFeeLinkPPMTier3, uint32 fulfillmentFlatFeeLinkPPMTier4, uint32 fulfillmentFlatFeeLinkPPMTier5, uint24 reqsForTier2, uint24 reqsForTier3, uint24 reqsForTier4, uint24 reqsForTier5 ) { return ( 100000, // 0.1 LINK 100000, // 0.1 LINK 100000, // 0.1 LINK 100000, // 0.1 LINK 100000, // 0.1 LINK 0, 0, 0, 0 ); } modifier nonReentrant() { if (s_config.reentrancyLock) { revert Reentrant(); } _; } function getFallbackWeiPerUnitLink() external pure returns (int256) { return 4000000000000000; // 0.004 Ether } function requestSubscriptionOwnerTransfer(uint256 /*_subId*/, address /*_newOwner*/) external pure override { revert("not implemented"); } function acceptSubscriptionOwnerTransfer(uint256 /*_subId*/) external pure override { revert("not implemented"); } function pendingRequestExists(uint256 /*subId*/) public pure override returns (bool) { revert("not implemented"); } function getActiveSubscriptionIds( uint256 /* startIndex */, uint256 /* maxCount */ ) external pure override returns (uint256[] memory) { revert("not implemented"); } } ``` This contract will act as a replacement for `VRFCoordinatorMock`. If you try to build the project now you'll most likely face a plethora of errors. Let's make some changes to minimize them. Please ensure that all the scripts, tests and main contracts use `pragma solidity ^0.8.19;`. Make sure to change the pragma of the following files `lib/chainlink/contracts/src/v0.8/vrf/dev/VRFCoordinatorV2_5.sol` and `lib/chainlink/contracts/src/v0.8/vrf/dev/SubscriptionAPI.sol` to `pragma solidity ^0.8.19;`. You shouldn't do this in any other cases. We do it for tutorial purposes. Inside `lib/chainlink/contracts/src/v0.8/vendor/@eth-optimism/contracts/v0.8.9/contracts/L2/predeploys/OVM_GasPriceOracle.sol` modify the `Ownable()` call from the constructor into `Ownable(_owner)` In `HelperConfig.s.sol` delete the existing import for `VRFCoordinatorV2Mock` and replace it with the following `import {VRFCoordinatorV2PlusMock} from "chainlink/src/v0.8/vrf/mocks/VRFCoordinatorV2PlusMock.sol";`. Change the VRF Mock deployment line in `getOrCreateAnvilEthConfig` from `VRFCoordinatorV2Mock vrfCoordinatorV2Mock = new VRFCoordinatorV2Mock(baseFee, gasPriceLink);` to `VRFCoordinatorV2PlusMock vrfCoordinatorV2Mock = new VRFCoordinatorV2PlusMock(baseFee, gasPriceLink);` In `Interactions.s.sol` delete the existing import for `VRFCoordinatorV2Mock` and replace it with the following `import {VRFCoordinatorV2PlusMock} from "chainlink/src/v0.8/vrf/mocks/VRFCoordinatorV2PlusMock.sol";`. For all 3 existing contracts, create and fund subscriptions and add consumer perform a call to a function from `VRFCoordinatorV2Mock`, make sure to replace `VRFCoordinatorV2Mock` with `VRFCoordinatorV2PlusMock`. Make sure to add your `subscriptionId`, which you got by following the tutorial related to obtaining it using the Chainlink UI, inside the `HelperConfig::getSepoliaEthConfig` function. I know this was a lot, but it was 100% necessary. Moreover, this is what a dev's life looks like. It's not all about solving complex problems using simple building blocks in a smart way ... sometimes it's fixing broken dependencies, none of us like it, but all of us do it. **You are a true hero for reaching this point!** Let's finish all with a `forge test`. If it looks like this you made it! ``` /mnt/c/Users/balas/Desktop/lessons/foundry-f23/foundry-smart-contract-lottery-f23$ forge test [⠢] Compiling... No files changed, compilation skipped Ran 12 tests for test/unit/RaffleTest.t.sol:RaffleTest [PASS] testCheckUpkeepReturnsFalseIfItHasNoBalance() (gas: 19096) [PASS] testCheckUpkeepReturnsFalseIfRaffleIsntOpen() (gas: 157033) [PASS] testDontAllowPlayersToEnterWhileRaffleIsCalculating() (gas: 161916) [PASS] testEmitsEventOnEntrance() (gas: 68752) [PASS] testFulfillRandomWordsCanOnlyBeCalledAfterPerformUpkeep(uint256) (runs: 257, μ: 80568, ~: 80568) [PASS] testFulfillRandomWordsPicksAWinnerRestesAndSendsMoney() (gas: 314207) [PASS] testPerformUpkeepCanOnlyRunIfCheckUpkeepIsTrue() (gas: 153220) [PASS] testPerformUpkeepRevertsIfCheckUpkeepIsFalse() (gas: 17399) [PASS] testPerformUpkeepUpdatesRaffleStateAndEmitsRequestId() (gas: 158980) [PASS] testRaffleInitializesInOpenState() (gas: 7753) [PASS] testRaffleRecordsPlayerWhenTheyEnter() (gas: 68318) [PASS] testRaffleRevertsWHenYouDontPayEnough() (gas: 13069) Suite result: ok. 12 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 33.75ms (23.88ms CPU time) Ran 1 test suite in 3.75s (33.75ms CPU time): 12 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (12 total tests) ``` I wonder if this works on a fork. Will it? `forge test --fork-url $SEPOLIA_RPC_URL -vvvv` It failed on setup: ``` │ │ ├─ [0] VM::startBroadcast() │ │ │ └─ ← [Return] │ │ ├─ [236] VRFCoordinatorV2::addConsumer(5000032745829988966686682423284879867102409618787289144283231874950241281744 [5e75], Raffle: [0x90193C961A926261B756D1E5bb255e67ff9498A1]) │ │ │ └─ ← [Revert] EvmError: Revert │ │ └─ ← [Revert] EvmError: Revert │ └─ ← [Revert] EvmError: Revert └─ ← [Revert] EvmError: Revert ``` It failed on `addConsumer`. Given that we use our `subscriptionId`, which we created using our test address using the Chainlink UI, why wouldn't it fail? When we do the setup we don't specify the key we used when we created the subscription, so an external account, provided by default by foundry, tries to add a consumer to our subscriptionId, which should fail, or else everyone could just add random consumers to anyone else's `subscriptionIds`, and use their funds. That would be a serious security breach. We need to make sure that we add a consumer using the same private key (account) we used when we created the subscription. You could say, `ok, I get it, let's hardcode the subscriptionId inside the HelperConfig::getSepoliaEthConfig function to 0, so our script create a new subscription`. That is a very smart thing to say, but if you do that you'll get this outcome: ``` │ ├─ [9690] FundSubscription::fundSubscription(VRFCoordinatorV2: [0x8103B0A8A00be2DDC778e6e7eaa21791Cd364625], 11932 [1.193e4], LinkToken: [0x779877A7B0D9E8603169DdbD7836e478b4624789]) │ │ ├─ [0] console::log("Funding subscription: ", 11932 [1.193e4]) [staticcall] │ │ │ └─ ← [Stop] │ │ ├─ [0] console::log("Using vrfCoordinator: ", VRFCoordinatorV2: [0x8103B0A8A00be2DDC778e6e7eaa21791Cd364625]) [staticcall] │ │ │ └─ ← [Stop] │ │ ├─ [0] console::log("On ChainID: ", 11155111 [1.115e7]) [staticcall] │ │ │ └─ ← [Stop] │ │ ├─ [0] VM::startBroadcast() │ │ │ └─ ← [Return] │ │ ├─ [3558] LinkToken::transferAndCall(VRFCoordinatorV2: [0x8103B0A8A00be2DDC778e6e7eaa21791Cd364625], 3000000000000000000 [3e18], 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002e9c) │ │ │ └─ ← [Revert] revert: ERC20: transfer amount exceeds balance │ │ └─ ← [Revert] revert: ERC20: transfer amount exceeds balance │ └─ ← [Revert] revert: ERC20: transfer amount exceeds balance └─ ← [Revert] revert: ERC20: transfer amount exceeds balance ``` The address used by Foundry doesn't have any test LINK. So even if you create it, you can't finance that subscription. But no worries, we got the right solution for this. Let's take these problems one by one. We tried to add a consumer, but it failed because we didn't use the right key, let's fix this: 1. Whenever we use `vm.startBroadcast()` we could specify the key as indicated [here](https://book.getfoundry.sh/cheatcodes/start-broadcast); 2. Let's do this the smart way, let's define the key inside our HelperConfig and then use it everywhere levraging our deployment script; 3. If we are using Sepolia, we should use our Sepolia test key, if we are on Anvil then we should use one of the keys Anvil provides; 4. Putting our key, even if it's a test key, in plain sight it's something that we agreed we'd never do, so we will use a new cheatcode `vm.envUint("SEPOLIA_PRIVATE_KEY")`, which grabs our private key from our `.env`. Read more about the cheatcode [here](https://book.getfoundry.sh/cheatcodes/env-uint); Open your `HelperConfig.s.sol` and perform the following changes: ```solidity function getSepoliaEthConfig() public view returns (NetworkConfig memory) { return NetworkConfig({ entranceFee: 0.01 ether, interval: 30, // 30 seconds vrfCoordinator: 0x9DdfaCa8183c41ad55329BdeeD9F6A8d53168B1B, gasLane: 0x787d74caea10b2b357790d5b5247c2f63d1d91572a9846f780606e4d953677ae, subscriptionId: 5000032745829988966686682423284879867102409618787289144283231874950241281744, // Your own subscriptionId goes here callbackGasLimit: 500000, // 500,000 gas link: 0x779877A7B0D9E8603169DdbD7836e478b4624789, deployerKey: vm.envUint("SEPOLIA_PRIVATE_KEY") }); } ``` ```solidity contract HelperConfig is Script { struct NetworkConfig { uint256 entranceFee; uint256 interval; address vrfCoordinator; bytes32 gasLane; uint256 subscriptionId; uint32 callbackGasLimit; address link; uint256 deployerKey; } } ``` Given that we've updated the struct above ... we are going to have to update a lot of places. Let's keep going inside `HelperConfig`. We've updated Sepolia, we need to take care of Anvil. Run a quick `anvil` copy Key 0 from here: ``` Private Keys ================== (0) 0xac0974bec39a17e36ba4a6b4d238ff944bacb478cbed5efcae784d7bf4f2ff80 (1) 0x59c6995e998f97a5a0044966f0945389dc9e86dae88c7a8412f4603b6b78690d (2) 0x5de4111afa1a4b94908f83103eb1f1706367c2e68ca870fc3fb9a804cdab365a [...] ``` Below the `struct NetworkConfig` create a new variable: ```solidity uint256 public constant DEFAULT_ANVIL_KEY = 0xac0974bec39a17e36ba4a6b4d238ff944bacb478cbed5efcae784d7bf4f2ff80; ``` and use it inside the `getOrCreateAnvilEthConfig` function ```solidity function getOrCreateAnvilEthConfig() public returns (NetworkConfig memory anvilNetworkConfig) { [...] LinkToken link = new LinkToken(); vm.stopBroadcast(); return NetworkConfig({ entranceFee: 0.01 ether, interval: 30, // 30 seconds vrfCoordinator: address(vrfCoordinatorV2Mock), gasLane: 0x787d74caea10b2b357790d5b5247c2f63d1d91572a9846f780606e4d953677ae, subscriptionId: 0, // If left as 0, our scripts will create one! callbackGasLimit: 500000, // 500,000 gas link: address(link), deployerKey: DEFAULT_ANVIL_KEY }); } ``` With this change, we have finished the work in `HelperConfig.s.sol`. Let's keep going with fixing `Interactions.s.sol`: 1. `AddConsumer` contract ```solidity contract AddConsumer is Script { function addConsumer(address raffle, address vrfCoordinator, uint256 subscriptionId, uint256 deployerKey) public { console.log("Adding consumer contract: ", raffle); console.log("Using VRFCoordinator: ", vrfCoordinator); console.log("On chain id: ", block.chainid); vm.startBroadcast(deployerKey); VRFCoordinatorV2PlusMock(vrfCoordinator).addConsumer(subscriptionId, raffle); vm.stopBroadcast(); } function addConsumerUsingConfig(address raffle) public { HelperConfig helperConfig = new HelperConfig(); ( , , address vrfCoordinator, , uint256 subscriptionId, , , uint256 deployerKey ) = helperConfig.activeNetworkConfig(); addConsumer(raffle, vrfCoordinator, subscriptionId, deployerKey); } function run() external { address raffle = DevOpsTools.get_most_recent_deployment("MyContract", block.chainid); addConsumerUsingConfig(raffle); } } ``` Let's understand the logic behind the change and then change it in the other two contracts `FundSubscription` and `CreateSubscription`. We start everything from `helperConfig.activeNetworkConfig` because the main change we want to bake in is the `NetworkConfig` change we did in `HelperConfig`. We get the `deployerKey` from the `helperConfig.activeNetworkConfig();` call. Then we use it in the `addConsumer` function, providing it as an input. Scrolling up to the `addConsumer` function, we need to define the 4th input `function addConsumer(address raffle, address vrfCoordinator, uint256 subscriptionId, uint256 deployerKey)`. Now that we have access to the `deployerKey` we can provide it in `vm.startBroadcast(deployerKey);`. So that `addConsumer` function will be called by the right account. We will perform the same changes to the other two contracts: ```solidity contract FundSubscription is Script { uint96 public constant FUND_AMOUNT = 3 ether; function fundSubscriptionUsingConfig() public { HelperConfig helperConfig = new HelperConfig(); ( , , address vrfCoordinator, , uint256 subscriptionId, , address link, uint256 deployerKey ) = helperConfig.activeNetworkConfig(); fundSubscription(vrfCoordinator, subscriptionId, link, deployerKey); } function fundSubscription(address vrfCoordinator, uint256 subscriptionId, address link, uint256 deployerKey) public { console.log("Funding subscription: ", subscriptionId); console.log("Using vrfCoordinator: ", vrfCoordinator); console.log("On ChainID: ", block.chainid); if (block.chainid == 31337) { vm.startBroadcast(deployerKey); VRFCoordinatorV2PlusMock(vrfCoordinator).fundSubscription(subscriptionId, FUND_AMOUNT); vm.stopBroadcast(); } else { vm.startBroadcast(deployerKey); LinkToken(link).transferAndCall(vrfCoordinator, FUND_AMOUNT, abi.encode(subscriptionId)); vm.stopBroadcast(); } } function run() external { fundSubscriptionUsingConfig(); } } ``` We start with `fundSubscriptionUsingConfig` we add the `deployerKey` variable in the `activeNetworkConfig` call line. We use that newly acquired `deployerKey` inside the `fundSubscription` call, providing it as input. Going to `fundSubscription` we add the 4th input variable `uint256 deployerKey`. We use the new input in both `vm.startBroadcast` places. ```solidity contract CreateSubscription is Script { function createSubscriptionUsingConfig() public returns (uint256) { HelperConfig helperConfig = new HelperConfig(); ( , , address vrfCoordinator, , , , , uint256 deployerKey ) = helperConfig.activeNetworkConfig(); return createSubscription(vrfCoordinator, deployerKey); } function createSubscription( address vrfCoordinator, uint256 deployerKey ) public returns (uint256) { console.log("Creating subscription on ChainID: ", block.chainid); vm.startBroadcast(deployerKey); uint256 subId = VRFCoordinatorV2PlusMock(vrfCoordinator).createSubscription(); vm.stopBroadcast(); console.log("Your sub Id is: ", subId); console.log("Please update subscriptionId in HelperConfig!"); return subId; } function run() external returns (uint256) { return createSubscriptionUsingConfig(); } } ``` The exact same thing for `CreateSubscription`. By the way, you should never be afraid of running a `forge build` regardless of the stage of your project, nothing can happen and you can get free hints regarding what you need to do next. Run `forge build`: ``` [⠢] Compiling... [⠊] Compiling 4 files with Solc 0.8.23 [⠒] Solc 0.8.23 finished in 684.48ms Error: Compiler run failed: Error (6160): Wrong argument count for function call: 1 arguments given but expected 2. --> script/DeployRaffle.s.sol:25:30: | 25 | subscriptionId = createSubscription.createSubscription(vrfCoordinator); | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Error (6160): Wrong argument count for function call: 3 arguments given but expected 4. --> script/DeployRaffle.s.sol:28:13: | 28 | fundSubscription.fundSubscription(vrfCoordinator, subscriptionId, link); | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Error (6160): Wrong argument count for function call: 3 arguments given but expected 4. --> script/DeployRaffle.s.sol:44:9: | 44 | addConsumer.addConsumer(address(raffle), vrfCoordinator, subscriptionId); | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Error (7407): Type tuple(uint256,uint256,address,bytes32,uint256,uint32,address,uint256) is not implicitly convertible to expected type tuple(uint256,uint256,address,bytes32,uint256,uint32,address). --> test/unit/RaffleTest.t.sol:46:13: | 46 | ) = helperConfig.activeNetworkConfig(); | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``` Let's read it. We modified the 3 functions `createSubscription`, `fundSubscription` and `addConsumer`, we should reflect these changes inside `DeployRaffle.s.sol`. Then we are calling `helperConfig.activeNetworkConfig` in `Raffle.t.sol`, we should adjust that to reflect the changes of the `NetworkConfig` struct. Open the `DeployRaffle.s.sol` file and modify the 3 functions call to include `deployerKey` as an input parameter. ```solidity contract DeployRaffle is Script { function run() external returns (Raffle, HelperConfig) { HelperConfig helperConfig = new HelperConfig(); // This comes with our mocks! ( uint256 entranceFee, uint256 interval, address vrfCoordinator, bytes32 gasLane, uint256 subscriptionId, uint32 callbackGasLimit, address link, uint256 deployerKey ) = helperConfig.activeNetworkConfig(); if (subscriptionId == 0) { CreateSubscription createSubscription = new CreateSubscription(); subscriptionId = createSubscription.createSubscription(vrfCoordinator, deployerKey); FundSubscription fundSubscription = new FundSubscription(); fundSubscription.fundSubscription(vrfCoordinator, subscriptionId, link, deployerKey); } vm.startBroadcast(); Raffle raffle = new Raffle( entranceFee, interval, vrfCoordinator, gasLane, subscriptionId, callbackGasLimit ); vm.stopBroadcast(); AddConsumer addConsumer = new AddConsumer(); addConsumer.addConsumer(address(raffle), vrfCoordinator, subscriptionId, deployerKey); return (raffle, helperConfig); } } ``` Open the `RaffleTest.t.sol` and add the `deployerKey` in the variables section and in the `setUp` function where `helperConfig.activeNetworkConfig()` is called: ```solidity contract RaffleTest is Test { event EnteredRaffle(address indexed player); Raffle public raffle; HelperConfig public helperConfig; uint256 entranceFee; uint256 interval; address vrfCoordinator; bytes32 gasLane; uint256 subscriptionId; uint32 callbackGasLimit; address link; uint256 deployerKey; address public PLAYER = makeAddr("player"); uint256 public constant STARTING_USER_BALANCE = 10 ether; function setUp() external { DeployRaffle deployer = new DeployRaffle(); (raffle, helperConfig) = deployer.run(); vm.deal(PLAYER, STARTING_USER_BALANCE); ( entranceFee, interval, vrfCoordinator, gasLane, subscriptionId, callbackGasLimit, link, deployerKey ) = helperConfig.activeNetworkConfig(); } } ``` Let's run `forge build` again. There are two possible outcomes here: 1. Everything compiles, amazing! 2. You get the following error: ``` Error: Compiler run failed: Error: Compiler error (/solidity/libsolidity/codegen/CompilerUtils.cpp:1429):Stack too deep. Try compiling with `--via-ir` (cli) or the equivalent `viaIR: true` (standard JSON) while enabling the optimizer. Otherwise, try removing local variables. CompilerError: Stack too deep. Try compiling with `--via-ir` (cli) or the equivalent `viaIR: true` (standard JSON) while enabling the optimizer. Otherwise, try removing local variables. ``` If you get this error just go and comment out the `deployerKey` lines in `Raffle.t.sol`: ```solidity contract RaffleTest is Test { event EnteredRaffle(address indexed player); Raffle public raffle; HelperConfig public helperConfig; uint256 entranceFee; uint256 interval; address vrfCoordinator; bytes32 gasLane; uint256 subscriptionId; uint32 callbackGasLimit; address link; // uint256 deployerKey; address public PLAYER = makeAddr("player"); uint256 public constant STARTING_USER_BALANCE = 10 ether; function setUp() external { DeployRaffle deployer = new DeployRaffle(); (raffle, helperConfig) = deployer.run(); vm.deal(PLAYER, STARTING_USER_BALANCE); ( entranceFee, interval, vrfCoordinator, gasLane, subscriptionId, callbackGasLimit, link, // deployerKey ) = helperConfig.activeNetworkConfig(); } } ``` Run `forge build` again and everything should compile. With that out of our way try the `forge test --fork-url $SEPOLIA_RPC_URL` again. ``` Ran 12 tests for test/unit/RaffleTest.t.sol:RaffleTest [PASS] testCheckUpkeepReturnsFalseIfItHasNoBalance() (gas: 19096) [PASS] testCheckUpkeepReturnsFalseIfRaffleIsntOpen() (gas: 130771) [PASS] testDontAllowPlayersToEnterWhileRaffleIsCalculating() (gas: 135654) [PASS] testEmitsEventOnEntrance() (gas: 68752) [FAIL. Reason: call reverted as expected, but without data; counterexample: calldata=0x9a3d2cf80000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000b18 args=[2840]] testFulfillRandomWordsCanOnlyBeCalledAfterPerformUpkeep(uint256) (runs: 0, μ: 0, ~: 0) [FAIL. Reason: EvmError: Revert] testFulfillRandomWordsPicksAWinnerRestesAndSendsMoney() (gas: 297296) [PASS] testPerformUpkeepCanOnlyRunIfCheckUpkeepIsTrue() (gas: 126958) [PASS] testPerformUpkeepRevertsIfCheckUpkeepIsFalse() (gas: 17399) [PASS] testPerformUpkeepUpdatesRaffleStateAndEmitsRequestId() (gas: 133024) [PASS] testRaffleInitializesInOpenState() (gas: 7753) [PASS] testRaffleRecordsPlayerWhenTheyEnter() (gas: 68318) [PASS] testRaffleRevertsWHenYouDontPayEnough() (gas: 13069) Suite result: FAILED. 10 passed; 2 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 4.45s (1.70s CPU time) ``` Ok, some failed, but it feels super good not failing at `setUp` level. The first failing test is `testFulfillRandomWordsCanOnlyBeCalledAfterPerformUpkeep`, the fuzz test. The fail reason is `call reverted as expected, but without data`. This means that it reverts, but not with the message we specified, and this is expected, given that we are using a mock contract, and the real version of the contract is most likely different. Mocks are usually simplified to facilitate ease of testing. We should not run this test on Sepolia. Add the following modifier in `Raffle.t.sol`: ```solidity modifier skipFork() { if (block.chainid != 31337){ return; } _; } ``` This will check the `block.chainid` to see if we are on Sepolia. If we are on Sepolia then it returns, skipping the test. Add it next to the `raffleEnteredAndTimePassed` modifier: ```solidity function testFulfillRandomWordsCanOnlyBeCalledAfterPerformUpkeep(uint256 requestId) public raffleEntredAndTimePassed skipFork { // Arrange // Act / Assert vm.expectRevert("nonexistent request"); // vm.mockCall could be used here... VRFCoordinatorV2PlusMock(vrfCoordinator).fulfillRandomWords( requestId, address(raffle) ); } ``` The other failing test is `testFulfillRandomWordsPicksAWinnerRestesAndSendsMoney`. Looking through its code we can see why it fails: ```solidity // Pretend to be Chainlink VRF VRFCoordinatorV2PlusMock(vrfCoordinator).fulfillRandomWords( uint256(requestId), address(raffle) ); ``` We simply can't do this on Sepolia, because you can't pretend you are a Chainlink VRF node on a live testnet, there are already real Chainlink VRF nodes working on the live testnet and they are the ones that should call `fulfillRandomWords`. Add the `skipFork` modifier to this test as well. Run `forge test --fork-url $SEPOLIA_RPC_URL` again. Everything passes! Amazing! This was a lot! Take a break, touch some grass and come back to finish this section!
A guide on running tests in a forked test environment, addressing the challenges and solutions related to deployer identification. It covers the dynamics of testing smart contracts on different blockchain environments and the importance of dynamic deployer keys.
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Foundryup, Foundry Forge, and Anvil
Blockchain Oracles
How to create local Blockchain testnets
How to verify a smart contract
How to write and run smart contract tests
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Smart Contract Engineer
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Web3 Developer Relations
$85,000 - $125,000 (avg. salary)
Smart Contract Auditor
$100,000 - $200,000 (avg. salary)
Guest lecturers:
Last updated on January 14, 2025
Solidity Developer
Foundry FundamentalsDuration: 2h 55min
Duration: 2h 56min
Duration: 26min
Duration: 5h 22min
Course Overview
About the course
Foundryup, Foundry Forge, and Anvil
Blockchain Oracles
How to create local Blockchain testnets
How to verify a smart contract
How to write and run smart contract tests
Security researcher
$49,999 - $120,000 (avg. salary)
Smart Contract Engineer
$100,000 - $150,000 (avg. salary)
Web3 developer
$60,000 - $150,000 (avg. salary)
Web3 Developer Relations
$85,000 - $125,000 (avg. salary)
Smart Contract Auditor
$100,000 - $200,000 (avg. salary)
Guest lecturers:
Last updated on January 14, 2025
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Gustavo Gonzalez
Solutions Engineer at OpenZeppelin
Francesco Andreoli
Lead Devrel at Metamask
Albert Hu
DeForm Founding Engineer
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Developer Relations Engineer at Axelar