_Follow along with this video:_ --- ### MEV - TSwap Ok, so Puppy Raffle wasn't safe - what about TSwap, was there a problem there? Absolutely! Recall from TSwapPool.sol, the deposit function: <details> <summary>TSwapPool.sol::deposit</summary> ```js function deposit( uint256 wethToDeposit, uint256 minimumLiquidityTokensToMint, uint256 maximumPoolTokensToDeposit, uint64 deadline ) external revertIfZero(wethToDeposit) returns (uint256 liquidityTokensToMint) { if (wethToDeposit < MINIMUM_WETH_LIQUIDITY) { revert TSwapPool__WethDepositAmountTooLow( MINIMUM_WETH_LIQUIDITY, wethToDeposit ); } if (totalLiquidityTokenSupply() > 0) { uint256 wethReserves = i_wethToken.balanceOf(address(this)); uint256 poolTokenReserves = i_poolToken.balanceOf(address(this)); // Our invariant says weth, poolTokens, and liquidity tokens must always have the same ratio after the // initial deposit // poolTokens / constant(k) = weth // weth / constant(k) = liquidityTokens // aka... // weth / poolTokens = constant(k) // To make sure this holds, we can make sure the new balance will match the old balance // (wethReserves + wethToDeposit) / (poolTokenReserves + poolTokensToDeposit) = constant(k) // (wethReserves + wethToDeposit) / (poolTokenReserves + poolTokensToDeposit) = // (wethReserves / poolTokenReserves) // // So we can do some elementary math now to figure out poolTokensToDeposit... // (wethReserves + wethToDeposit) = (poolTokenReserves + poolTokensToDeposit) * (wethReserves / poolTokenReserves) // wethReserves + wethToDeposit = poolTokenReserves * (wethReserves / poolTokenReserves) + poolTokensToDeposit * (wethReserves / poolTokenReserves) // wethReserves + wethToDeposit = wethReserves + poolTokensToDeposit * (wethReserves / poolTokenReserves) // wethToDeposit / (wethReserves / poolTokenReserves) = poolTokensToDeposit // (wethToDeposit * poolTokenReserves) / wethReserves = poolTokensToDeposit uint256 poolTokensToDeposit = getPoolTokensToDepositBasedOnWeth( wethToDeposit ); if (maximumPoolTokensToDeposit < poolTokensToDeposit) { revert TSwapPool__MaxPoolTokenDepositTooHigh( maximumPoolTokensToDeposit, poolTokensToDeposit ); } // We do the same thing for liquidity tokens. Similar math. liquidityTokensToMint = (wethToDeposit * totalLiquidityTokenSupply()) / wethReserves; if (liquidityTokensToMint < minimumLiquidityTokensToMint) { revert TSwapPool__MinLiquidityTokensToMintTooLow( minimumLiquidityTokensToMint, liquidityTokensToMint ); } _addLiquidityMintAndTransfer( wethToDeposit, poolTokensToDeposit, liquidityTokensToMint ); } else { // This will be the "initial" funding of the protocol. We are starting from blank here! // We just have them send the tokens in, and we mint liquidity tokens based on the weth _addLiquidityMintAndTransfer( wethToDeposit, maximumPoolTokensToDeposit, wethToDeposit ); liquidityTokensToMint = wethToDeposit; } } ``` </details> We identified, during our review, that the `deadline` parameter wasn't being used. How would that potentially lead to an `MEV` attack in `TSwap`? Before a transaction is sent to the `MemPool`, it is sent to a node. Node operators have privileged information with respect to transactions about to be added to the blockchain and in some circumstances they can delay when a transaction is processed by up to a whole block. If the `deadline` parameter was properly employed it could have prevented this! Imagine a node operator happened to be a `liquidity provider` in `TSwap`. This operator would be able to see pending deposits into the protocol, the practical effect of which would be that their shares and fees are lowered as the `LPTokens` are diluted. This malicious node operator would have the power to delay the processing of this `deposit` transaction in favor of validating more swap transactions maximizing the fees they would obtain from the protocol at the expensive of the new depositor! ::image{src='/security-section-8/6-tswap-mev/mev-in-tswap1.png' style='width: 100%; height: auto;'} ### Wrap Up Oh geez, are _any_ of our previous reviews safe from this massive exploit!? Let's check `Thunder Loan` next!
MEV Vulnerabilities in TSwap discussed!
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