--- ### Manual Review - TSwapPool.sol - swapExactInput As mentioned in closing of the previous lesson, it's unfortunate to see such an important function as `swapExactInput` not having any natspec. We should be able to use the natspec from `swapExactOutput` to help us a little. ```js /* * @notice figures out how much you need to input based on how much * output you want to receive. * * Example: You say "I want 10 output WETH, and my input is DAI" * The function will figure out how much DAI you need to input to get 10 WETH * And then execute the swap * @param inputToken ERC20 token to pull from caller * @param outputToken ERC20 token to send to caller * @param outputAmount The exact amount of tokens to send to caller */ ``` In an audit we would absolutely talk to the protocol and get them to explain what `swapExactInput` is meant to do. For now we can assume it's the opposite of `swapExactInput`. <details> <summary>swapExactInput Function</summary> ```js function swapExactInput( IERC20 inputToken, uint256 inputAmount, IERC20 outputToken, uint256 minOutputAmount, uint64 deadline ) public revertIfZero(inputAmount) revertIfDeadlinePassed(deadline) returns (uint256 output) { uint256 inputReserves = inputToken.balanceOf(address(this)); uint256 outputReserves = outputToken.balanceOf(address(this)); uint256 outputAmount = getOutputAmountBasedOnInput(inputAmount, inputReserves, outputReserves); if (outputAmount < minOutputAmount) { revert TSwapPool__OutputTooLow(outputAmount, minOutputAmount); } _swap(inputToken, inputAmount, outputToken, outputAmount); } ``` </details> Let's better understand the parameters required by `swapExactInput`. - **inputToken** - input token to sell - **inputAmount** - amount of input token to sell - **outputToken** - output token to buy - **minOutputAmount** - minimum output amount expected to receive - **deadline** - when the transaction should expire The `swapExactInput` function has modifiers which will revert if the inputAmount is 0 or if the deadline has already passed. Great, looks good. ```js revertIfZero(inputAmount); revertIfDeadlinePassed(deadline); ``` Firstly our function is assigning values to `inputReserves` and `outputReserves` by acquiring balances from the TSwapPool contract. We're then calling a function we saw in the last lesson `getOutputAmountBasedOnInput`, so this should already be assessed. ```js uint256 inputReserves = inputToken.balanceOf(address(this)); uint256 outputReserves = outputToken.balanceOf(address(this)); uint256 outputAmount = getOutputAmountBasedOnInput(inputAmount, inputReserves, outputReserves); ``` Next we're performing a check to assure the `outputAmount` calculated is more than our `minOutputAmount`, reverting with a custom error `TSwapPool__OutputTooLow` if this isn't the case. Of course as always, verify the ordering and content of custom error parameters. These look good! ```js if (outputAmount < minOutputAmount) { revert TSwapPool__OutputTooLow(outputAmount, minOutputAmount); } ``` Finally we perform our swap with `_swap`. `_swap` is a critical function in TSwap and we already found through our invariant test suite that there is an invariant breaking bug within. <details> <summary>_swap Function</summary> ```js function _swap(IERC20 inputToken, uint256 inputAmount, IERC20 outputToken, uint256 outputAmount) private { if (_isUnknown(inputToken) || _isUnknown(outputToken) || inputToken == outputToken) { revert TSwapPool__InvalidToken(); } // @Audit-High - Breaks protocol invariant swap_count++; if (swap_count >= SWAP_COUNT_MAX) { swap_count = 0; outputToken.safeTransfer(msg.sender, 1_000_000_000_000_000_000); } emit Swap(msg.sender, inputToken, inputAmount, outputToken, outputAmount); inputToken.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), inputAmount); outputToken.safeTransfer(msg.sender, outputAmount); } ``` </details> What else is this function doing exactly though? We see a conditional executed right away with a function we've not seen before `isUnknown`. Upon closer inspection, the `isUnknown` function seems to return false if the passed tokens aren't `weth` or the `poolToken` causing a revert. This seems like a great restriction to the function call. \_swap will also revert with `TSwapPool__InvalidToken` if `inputToken == outputToken`. This makes intuitive sense, why would we waste gas swapping a token with itself? ```js if (_isUnknown(inputToken) || _isUnknown(outputToken) || inputToken == outputToken) { revert TSwapPool__InvalidToken(); } ``` We then emit a Swap event and finally perform the token transfers. ```js emit Swap(msg.sender, inputToken, inputAmount, outputToken, outputAmount); inputToken.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), inputAmount); outputToken.safeTransfer(msg.sender, outputAmount); ``` Things look great, aside from the fee on transfer issue which breaks the protocol invariant đ > **Note:** Some teams may even hard code their invariant into their code base, something akin to `require(x * y = k)` as an extra layer of assurance that invariants won't break. `swapExactOutput` is next, let's go!
Understanding Swap Exact Input/Output & Protocol Checks in DeFi
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