--- ### Invariant/Properties Introduction > Invariant - A property or condition of a system which must always hold true. We now should have a tonne of context of what TSwap is supposed to do and how it's supposed to function. One of the last sections of the TSwap [**README**](https://github.com/Cyfrin/5-t-swap-audit/blob/main/README.md) details the protocols `core invariant`. Most protocols are going to have some type of invariant, even something as simple as an ERC20 will have some condition which must always be true. There's a great [**repo by the Trail of Bits**](https://github.com/crytic/properties) team that catalogs invariant/property examples for a number of tokens and Ethereum operations. In TSwap, we're fortunate enough that the developers have provided us their core invariant to read through and understand: ``` ## Core Invariant Our system works because the ratio of Token A & WETH will always stay the same. Well, for the most part. Since we add fees, our invariant technically increases. `x * y = k` - x = Token Balance X - y = Token Balance Y - k = The constant ratio between X & Y y = Token Balance Y x = Token Balance X x * y = k x * y = (x + ∆x) * (y − ∆y) ∆x = Change of token balance X ∆y = Change of token balance Y β = (∆y / y) α = (∆x / x) Final invariant equation without fees: ∆x = (β/(1-β)) * x ∆y = (α/(1+α)) * y Invariant with fees ρ = fee (between 0 & 1, aka a percentage) γ = (1 - p) (pronounced gamma) ∆x = (β/(1-β)) * (1/γ) * x ∆y = (αγ/1+αγ) * y Our protocol should always follow this invariant in order to keep swapping correctly! ``` I'll stress that this is not the norm! Typically we're provided documentation and it's our job to determine, through recon, which properties of a protocol qualify as invariants. We've touched on invariants in the past, so in the next lesson we'll be watching a refresher which walks us through fuzz tests and how they relate to invariants.
In-depth explanation of blockchain protocol invariants and fuzz testing. Examples from ERC-20 & ERC-721 tokens.
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