--- ### sellPoolTokens Write-up Ok, it looks like we're going to be on a streak of `high severity` findings, because the next was a vulnerability we identified within `sellPoolTokens`. ```js function sellPoolTokens(uint256 poolTokenAmount) external returns (uint256 wethAmount) { // @Audit - Incorrect parameter being passed for swapExactOutput function - poolTokenAmount! return swapExactOutput(i_poolToken, i_wethToken, poolTokenAmount, uint64(block.timestamp)); } ``` The parameters of `swapExactOutput` for reference: ```js function swapExactOutput( IERC20 inputToken, IERC20 outputToken, uint256 outputAmount, uint64 deadline ) ``` The third argument being passed to `swapExactOutput` in our `sellPoolTokens` function should be an `outputAmount`, not at amount correlated to our `inputToken`. Compare your finding write-up to mine below! Again, I'm leaving the PoC in your hands. Reach out to the community through [**GitHub**](https://github.com/Cyfrin/security-and-auditing-full-course-s23/discussions) and [**Discord**](https://discord.gg/cyfrin) if you're struggling! <details> <summary>[H-3] `TSwapPool::sellPoolTokens` mismatches input and output tokens causing users to receive the incorrect amount of tokens</summary> ### [H-4] `TSwapPool::sellPoolTokens` mismatches input and output tokens causing users to receive the incorrect amount of tokens **Description:** The `sellPoolTokens` function is intended to allow users to easily sell pool tokens and receive WETH in exchange. Users indicate how many pool tokens they're willing to sell in the `poolTokenAmount` parameter. However, the function currently miscalculates the swapped amount. This is due to the fact that the `swapExactOutput` function is called, whereas the `swapExactInput` function is the one that should be called. Because users specify the exact amount of input tokens, not output. **Impact:** Users will swap the wrong amount of tokens, which is a severe disruption of protocol functionality. **Proof of Concept:** <write PoC here> **Recommended Mitigation:** Consider changing the implementation to use `swapExactInput` instead of `swapExactOutput`. Note that this would also require changing the `sellPoolTokens` function to accept a new parameter (ie `minWethToReceive` to be passed to `swapExactInput`) ```diff function sellPoolTokens( uint256 poolTokenAmount, + uint256 minWethToReceive, ) external returns (uint256 wethAmount) { - return swapExactOutput(i_poolToken, i_wethToken, poolTokenAmount, uint64(block.timestamp)); + return swapExactInput(i_poolToken, poolTokenAmount, i_wethToken, minWethToReceive, uint64(block.timestamp)); } ``` Additionally, it might be wise to add a deadline to the function, as there is currently no deadline. (MEV later) </details> ### Wrap Up The next finding we'll write up is exciting. It's the vulnerability we uncovered through writing our stateful fuzz test suite! Let's get to it, see you there!
Patrick highlights flawed SellPool tokens calculation. Recommends using swapExactInput & adding a MinWethToReceive w/Deadline to prevent exploitation.
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