_Follow along with this video:_ --- ### What is a Dex? At it's highest level of abstraction what TSwap aims to do is: Allow users a permissionless way to swap assets between each other at a fair price. ::image{src='/security-section-5/4-what-is-a-dex/what-is-a-dex1.png' style='width: 100%; height: auto;'} TSwap (based off Uniswap) is an example of a Decentralized Exchange, or a `DEX`. Check out the [**DEXes section of DeFiLlama**](https://defillama.com/protocols/Dexes) for a list of examples! ### What is an Automated Market Maker (AMM)? TSwap is also en example of an Automated Market Maker (AMM). Automated Market Makers are different from a typical "order book" style exchange. Instead of an order book which attempts to match buy and sell orders of users, an AMM leverages `Pools` of an asset. Uniswap is a great example of this. Check out the [**Uniswap Explained video by WhiteboardCrypto**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLu35sIqVTM) to learn more in depth. In our next lesson, we're going take a closer look at AMMs and how they differ from order book exchanges. Additionally, check out [**this article by Chainlink**](https://chain.link/education-hub/what-is-an-automated-market-maker-amm) for more information on AMMs.
Decentralized exchanges explained through Uniswap and TSwap
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