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Learn blockchain fundamentals, smart contract development, and the auditing skills you need, online at your own pace. From blockchain concepts, essentials to Solidity, security, and web3 DevOps.
Solidity Developer
IntermediateLearn Foundry for Solidity and level up your Solidity developer skills. Discover advanced web3 development concepts and tools in the Foundry Fundamentals course. Learn Foundry Forge and Anvil, Chainlink Blockchain oracles, smart contract testing, and how to spin up local networks.
Solidity Developer
IntermediateLearn advanced Foundry for Solidity smart contract development. Master web3 development techniques to write, deploy, test, optimize, and interact with your smart contracts using industry-standard tools. Lessons taught by the top smart contracts engineers in web3.
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We’ve helped thousands of people landing a job in web3 and level up their careers, but don’t just take our word for it:
If there’s one resource that Web3 developers point to, it’s Cyfrin’s ultimate tutorials. They’re standout resources that have empowered countless developers to learn blockchains, learn Solidity, and dive deep into Web3 development.
We can build systems for Ethereum scaling but without education, it’s all for nothing. Updraft is the first step towards adoption for Web3 education. We can now mint security focused developers at scale!
Cyfrin's course was a cornerstone of my journey into Web3, providing me with the fundamentals and hands-on experience that have been pivotal to my journey in the blockchain space.
Cyfrin Updraft videos on smart contract development have been instrumental in my blockchain journey, standing out with their clarity and accessibility. Their readiness to support and engage with learners makes me excited for more of their interactive and insightful content in the Web3 space
I took Cyfrin course and I’ve been working as a solutions developer at OpenZeppelin for the last few months. It was by far the most comprehensive resource and the one that really teached me the fundamentals and made me want to switch from web2 to web3
The Cyfrin courses were a game-changer for me. They provided a well-structured and comprehensive introduction to web3 and blockchain development. The knowledge I gained allowed me to transition into a full-time role as a blockchain developer. I can't recommend these courses enough!
I took Cyfrin’s courses, and I took them seriously. At least one hour every day, documented the progress, didn’t skip any second. Haven’t found a better web3 course since. Now I’m full-time in web3, working as Senior Developer Advocate at Ceramic Network.
Cyfrin have been an absolute game-changers in my journey into blockchain. Saying their courses were remarkable, would be an understatement. Thanks to their expert guidance, I gained a deep understanding of blockchain to its roots. I'm forever grateful for their role in helping me get started in web3.
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