_Follow along with this video:_ --- ### Recap Ok, we've learn a lot in this section, let's take one more moment to summarize everything we've gone through. This will be the only time we go op code by op code - unless we have to 🤷♂️ Maybe we're dealing with Assembly, or auditing a compiler or super optimizing a contract - this skill set can be very useful when things get low level or difficult. We've mentioned it often, but if you want to familiarize yourself even further with all the different op codes in the EVM absolutely check out [evm.codes](https://www.evm.codes/#34?fork=cancun). If you don't feel comfortable with op codes yet, the more you play with them the better you will be. --- In this section we learnt that most smart contracts are compiled into 3 sections: 1. Contract Creation 2. Runtime 3. Metadata Huff generally omits metadata and just compiles into Contract Creation and Runtime code. We learnt that in Solidity, all code starts with setting up a `free memory pointer` ```js PUSH1 0x80 PUSH1 0x40 MSTORE ``` We didn't update it often in our codebase, but we can see that if accessing memory often we would need to consistently keep track of where free memory is located by updating this pointer. We learnt that Solidity, at the op code level, performs a bunch of checks, like checking `call data` for msg.value and assuring `call data` being passed is of the correct size. msg.value check: ```js CALLVALUE ✅ DUP1 ✅ ISZERO ✅ PUSH1 0x0e ✅ JUMPI ✅ ``` Call data size check: ```js JUMPDEST ✅ PUSH1 0x43 ✅ PUSH1 0x3f ✅ CALLDATASIZE ✅ PUSH1 0x04 ✅ PUSH1 0x59 ✅ JUMP ✅ ``` We also learnt that our Contract Creation code is going to contain the CODECOPY op code which is why executes putting our contract on-chain. ```js JUMPDEST ✅ POP ✅ PUSH1 0xa5 ✅ DUP1 ✅ PUSH2 0x001b ✅ PUSH0 ✅ CODECOPY ✅ PUSH0 ✅ RETURN ✅ INVALID ✅ ``` In Solidity, we determined that the `runtime code` was going to be the entry point of our contract for any `call data` passed to it, and functions similarly to the `MAIN()` macro we wrote in Huff We discovered how Solidity's `function dispatching` works, after all the checks are passed! The dispatcher will compare the first 4 bytes of our received call data to find a match with the known `function selectors` of our contract and will use any found matches to route our execution to the appropriate `JUMPDEST` ```js PUSH0 ✅ CALLDATALOAD ✅ PUSH1 0xe0 ✅ SHR ✅ DUP1 ✅ PUSH4 0xcdfead2e ✅ EQ ✅ PUSH1 0x34 ✅ JUMPI ✅ DUP1 ✅ PUSH4 0xe026c017 ✅ EQ ✅ PUSH1 0x45 ✅ JUMPI ✅ ``` We even learnt how to reference and manipulate the free memory pointer and saving and loading for storage! We've literally walked through every single op code and disassembled this entire contract and stepped through what each of these op codes is doing. I cannot encourage you enough to tinker and explore with how all these works. Change the contract, write your own, investigate how the bytecode and subsequent op codes changes. It's in this discovery that you will make the important mental connections pertaining to how the evm and contracts work together.
A comprehensive walkthrough of a Solidity opcode breakdown. This lesson covers how opcodes function, how they are assembled into a smart contract, and how Solidity sets up a free memory pointer.
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Course Overview
About the course
Writing smart contracts using Huff and Yul
Ethereum Virtual Machine OPCodes
Formal verification testing
Smart contract invariant testing
Halmos, Certora, Kontrol
Security researcher
$49,999 - $120,000 (avg. salary)
Smart Contract Auditor
$100,000 - $200,000 (avg. salary)
Guest lecturers:
Josselin Feist
Head of Blockchain at Trail of Bits
Last updated on January 17, 2025
Solidity Developer
Assembly and Formal VerificationDuration: 30min
Duration: 4h 38min
Duration: 3h 57min
Duration: 1h 56min
Course Overview
About the course
Writing smart contracts using Huff and Yul
Ethereum Virtual Machine OPCodes
Formal verification testing
Smart contract invariant testing
Halmos, Certora, Kontrol
Security researcher
$49,999 - $120,000 (avg. salary)
Smart Contract Auditor
$100,000 - $200,000 (avg. salary)
Guest lecturers:
Josselin Feist
Head of Blockchain at Trail of Bits
Last updated on January 17, 2025
Read what our students have to say about this course.
Gustavo Gonzalez
Solutions Engineer at OpenZeppelin
Francesco Andreoli
Lead Devrel at Metamask
Albert Hu
DeForm Founding Engineer
Senior Developer Advocate at Ceramic
Developer Relations Engineer at Axelar