_Follow along with this video:_ --- <details> <Summary> Op Codes </summary> bytecode - 0x6080604052348015600e575f80fd5b5060a58061001b5f395ff3fe6080604052348015600e575f80fd5b50600436106030575f3560e01c8063cdfead2e146034578063e026c017146045575b5f80fd5b6043603f3660046059565b5f55565b005b5f5460405190815260200160405180910390f35b5f602082840312156068575f80fd5b503591905056fea2646970667358fe1220fe01fe6c40d0ed98f16c7769ffde7109d5fe9f9dfefe31769a77032ceb92497a64736f6c63430008140033 ```js PUSH1 0x80 ✅ PUSH1 0x40 ✅ MSTORE ✅ CALLVALUE ✅ DUP1 ✅ ISZERO ✅ PUSH1 0x0e ✅ JUMPI ✅ PUSH0 ✅ DUP1 ✅ REVERT ✅ JUMPDEST ✅ POP ✅ PUSH1 0xa5 ✅ DUP1 ✅ PUSH2 0x001b ✅ PUSH0 ✅ CODECOPY ✅ PUSH0 ✅ RETURN ✅ INVALID ✅ PUSH1 0x80 ✅ PUSH1 0x40 ✅ MSTORE ✅ CALLVALUE ✅ DUP1 ✅ ISZERO ✅ PUSH1 0x0e ✅ JUMPI ✅ PUSH0 ✅ DUP1 ✅ REVERT ✅ JUMPDEST ✅ POP ✅ PUSH1 0x04 ✅ CALLDATASIZE ✅ LT ✅ PUSH1 0x30 ✅ JUMPI ✅ PUSH0 ✅ CALLDATALOAD ✅ PUSH1 0xe0 ✅ SHR ✅ DUP1 ✅ PUSH4 0xcdfead2e ✅ EQ ✅ PUSH1 0x34 ✅ JUMPI ✅ DUP1 ✅ PUSH4 0xe026c017 ✅ EQ ✅ PUSH1 0x45 ✅ JUMPI ✅ JUMPDEST ✅ PUSH0 ✅ DUP1 ✅ REVERT ✅ JUMPDEST ✅ PUSH1 0x43 ✅ PUSH1 0x3f ✅ CALLDATASIZE ✅ PUSH1 0x04 ✅ PUSH1 0x59 ✅ JUMP ✅ JUMPDEST PUSH0 SSTORE JUMP JUMPDEST STOP JUMPDEST PUSH0 SLOAD PUSH1 0x40 MLOAD SWAP1 DUP2 MSTORE PUSH1 0x20 ADD PUSH1 0x40 MLOAD DUP1 SWAP2 SUB SWAP1 RETURN JUMPDEST ✅ PUSH0 ✅ PUSH1 0x20 ✅ DUP3 ✅ DUP5 ✅ SUB ✅ SLT ✅ ISZERO ✅ PUSH1 0x68 ✅ JUMPI ✅ PUSH0 ✅ DUP1 ✅ REVERT ✅ JUMPDEST // <-- We are here! POP CALLDATALOAD SWAP2 SWAP1 POP JUMP INVALID LOG2 PUSH5 0x6970667358 INVALID SLT KECCAK256 INVALID ADD INVALID PUSH13 0x40d0ed98f16c7769ffde7109d5 INVALID SWAP16 SWAP14 INVALID INVALID BALANCE PUSH23 0x9a77032ceb92497a64736f6c63430008140033 ``` </details> We're really getting into the flow of things now, let's keep our momentum and look at the next chunk at jump dest 3. ```js JUMPDEST; // [0x00, 0x04, calldata_size, 0x3f, 0x43, func_selector] POP; // [0x04, calldata_size, 0x3f, 0x43, func_selector] CALLDATALOAD; // [CALLDATA[4:], calldata_size, 0x3f, 0x43, func_selector] SWAP2; SWAP1; POP; JUMP; ``` The first thing we do at jump dest 3 is execute `POP`. This just removes the top item of our stack `0x00`. We then perform `CALLDATALOAD`, which we've seen before. `CALLDATALOAD` takes a bytes offset as a stack input, and outputs 32 Bytes of data from our call data, starting at the bytes offset. In our example, we're providing `0x04` (the size of our `function selector`) and adding our call data, less this `function selector`, to the top of our stack. Now we see a new op code, `SWAP2`! ::image{src='/formal-verification-1/52-sstoreing-our-value/sstoreing-our-value1.png' style='width: 100%; height: auto;'} `SWAP2` simply exchanges the position with the top item of our stack, with the 3rd item from the top of our stack. You can imagine it like swapping our top item, with the second index from the top. ``` [0] <- Swap [1] [2] <- Swap [3] ``` This is going to make our stack look something like this: ```js CALLDATALOAD; // [CALLDATA[4:], calldata_size, 0x3f, 0x43, func_selector] SWAP2; // [0x3f, calldata_size, CALLDATA[4:], 0x43, func_selector] SWAP1; // [calldata_size, 0x3f, CALLDATA[4:], 0x43, func_selector] POP; // [0x3f, CALLDATA[4:], 0x43, func_selector] JUMP; // [CALLDATA[4:], 0x43, func_selector] ``` And, given what we've seen with `SWAP2`, I'm sure we can speculate what `SWAP1` is going to do! That's right, it will swap the top item of our stack with the second from the top (or first index) item. Next we `POP` our `calldata_size` off of our stack and then call `JUMP`. The `JUMPDEST` is going to be what's at the top of our stack currently, which is `0x3f`, and we're bringing our `call data` with us! Look at our updated op code list to see where we've jumped to now, we're about to finally call `SSTORE` to save our new horse number to storage! <details> <Summary> Op Codes </summary> bytecode - 0x6080604052348015600e575f80fd5b5060a58061001b5f395ff3fe6080604052348015600e575f80fd5b50600436106030575f3560e01c8063cdfead2e146034578063e026c017146045575b5f80fd5b6043603f3660046059565b5f55565b005b5f5460405190815260200160405180910390f35b5f602082840312156068575f80fd5b503591905056fea2646970667358fe1220fe01fe6c40d0ed98f16c7769ffde7109d5fe9f9dfefe31769a77032ceb92497a64736f6c63430008140033 ```js PUSH1 0x80 ✅ PUSH1 0x40 ✅ MSTORE ✅ CALLVALUE ✅ DUP1 ✅ ISZERO ✅ PUSH1 0x0e ✅ JUMPI ✅ PUSH0 ✅ DUP1 ✅ REVERT ✅ JUMPDEST ✅ POP ✅ PUSH1 0xa5 ✅ DUP1 ✅ PUSH2 0x001b ✅ PUSH0 ✅ CODECOPY ✅ PUSH0 ✅ RETURN ✅ INVALID ✅ PUSH1 0x80 ✅ PUSH1 0x40 ✅ MSTORE ✅ CALLVALUE ✅ DUP1 ✅ ISZERO ✅ PUSH1 0x0e ✅ JUMPI ✅ PUSH0 ✅ DUP1 ✅ REVERT ✅ JUMPDEST ✅ POP ✅ PUSH1 0x04 ✅ CALLDATASIZE ✅ LT ✅ PUSH1 0x30 ✅ JUMPI ✅ PUSH0 ✅ CALLDATALOAD ✅ PUSH1 0xe0 ✅ SHR ✅ DUP1 ✅ PUSH4 0xcdfead2e ✅ EQ ✅ PUSH1 0x34 ✅ JUMPI ✅ DUP1 PUSH4 0xe026c017 EQ PUSH1 0x45 JUMPI JUMPDEST ✅ PUSH0 ✅ DUP1 ✅ REVERT ✅ JUMPDEST ✅ PUSH1 0x43 ✅ PUSH1 0x3f ✅ CALLDATASIZE ✅ PUSH1 0x04 ✅ PUSH1 0x59 ✅ JUMP ✅ JUMPDEST // <---- We are here! PUSH0 SSTORE JUMP JUMPDEST STOP JUMPDEST PUSH0 SLOAD PUSH1 0x40 MLOAD SWAP1 DUP2 MSTORE PUSH1 0x20 ADD PUSH1 0x40 MLOAD DUP1 SWAP2 SUB SWAP1 RETURN JUMPDEST ✅ PUSH0 ✅ PUSH1 0x20 ✅ DUP3 ✅ DUP5 ✅ SUB ✅ SLT ✅ ISZERO ✅ PUSH1 0x68 ✅ JUMPI ✅ PUSH0 ✅ DUP1 ✅ REVERT ✅ JUMPDEST ✅ POP ✅ CALLDATALOAD ✅ SWAP2 ✅ SWAP1 ✅ POP ✅ JUMP ✅ INVALID ✅ LOG2 PUSH5 0x6970667358 INVALID SLT KECCAK256 INVALID ADD INVALID PUSH13 0x40d0ed98f16c7769ffde7109d5 INVALID SWAP16 SWAP14 INVALID INVALID BALANCE PUSH23 0x9a77032ceb92497a64736f6c63430008140033 ``` </details> From jump dest 4, we're able to finally save our value to storage, but we've only been able to here if: 1. Our `function selector` matched and our function was dispatched 2. We passed the `msg.value check` 3. Our `call data` was long enough to possibly include a valid value for storage (32 bytes) 4. we've isolated our passed parameter data from our total `call data` ```js JUMPDEST; // [CALLDATA[4:], 0x43, func_selector] PUSH0; // [0x00, CALLDATA[4:], 0x43, func_selector] SSTORE; // [0x43, func_selector] // Storage Slot 0: [CALLDATA[4:]] JUMP; // [func_selector] // Storage Slot 0: [CALLDATA[4:]] JUMPDEST; STOP; ``` Here we can see we're using `PUSH0` and calling `SSTORE`. This takes the `0x00` as our storage slot, and stores the data from the second item in our stack at that location. We're finally calling `JUMP` to our final destination `0x43` ```js JUMPDEST; // [func_selector] STOP; // [] ``` This final chunk of this transaction simply ends execution. This is great! We've walk through every op code, end to end when calling the `updateNumberOfHorses()` function!
A deep dive into EVM bytecode breakdown for updating a horse number - This video lesson takes an in-depth look at the EVM bytecode generated by a Solidity smart contract, focusing on the specific instructions used to update a horse number value.
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Course Overview
About the course
Writing smart contracts using Huff and Yul
Ethereum Virtual Machine OPCodes
Formal verification testing
Smart contract invariant testing
Halmos, Certora, Kontrol
Security researcher
$49,999 - $120,000 (avg. salary)
Smart Contract Auditor
$100,000 - $200,000 (avg. salary)
Guest lecturers:
Josselin Feist
Head of Blockchain at Trail of Bits
Last updated on January 17, 2025
Solidity Developer
Assembly and Formal VerificationDuration: 30min
Duration: 4h 38min
Duration: 3h 57min
Duration: 1h 56min
Course Overview
About the course
Writing smart contracts using Huff and Yul
Ethereum Virtual Machine OPCodes
Formal verification testing
Smart contract invariant testing
Halmos, Certora, Kontrol
Security researcher
$49,999 - $120,000 (avg. salary)
Smart Contract Auditor
$100,000 - $200,000 (avg. salary)
Guest lecturers:
Josselin Feist
Head of Blockchain at Trail of Bits
Last updated on January 17, 2025
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Gustavo Gonzalez
Solutions Engineer at OpenZeppelin
Francesco Andreoli
Lead Devrel at Metamask
Albert Hu
DeForm Founding Engineer
Senior Developer Advocate at Ceramic
Developer Relations Engineer at Axelar