_Follow along with this video:_ --- ### Pure Yul Disclaimer I'm going to start this lesson by saying, out of the gate, basically no body codes in raw Yul. This is entirely optional, and I don't recommend using raw Yul in production unless you have some esoteric reason to. I personally feel you'd be more successful getting really good at Huff than spending a lot of time on raw Yul and Yul's abstraction sometimes feels like you're fighting with the EVM - this is just my opinion. ### Standalone Yul Let's see how raw Yul would look nonetheless. We'll do this by writing the entire HorseStore contract in standalone Yul! Foundry doesn't like `Yul` being in the `src` folder, so start by creating a `Yul` folder and a file within named `HorseStoreYul.yul` We're going to notice differences immediately upon starting this contract. For example, we don't use the keyword `contract`, we use `object`. Whenever this object is deployed, it will deploy whatever is inside of the `code` section it contains. ```js object "HorseStoreYul" { code {} } ``` > **Note:** If you'd like to take advantage of Yul syntax highlighting you can install the vs code extension [Solodity + Yul Semantic Syntax](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ContractShark.solidity-lang) Alright, unlike Huff, in Yul we have to set up our contract deployment ourselves. The code for this deployment is going to look like: ```js object "HorseStoreYul" { code { datacopy(0, dataoffset("runtime"), datasize("runtime")) return(0, datasize("runtime")) } } ``` Datacopy, dataoffset and datasize might seem unfamiliar, but these are function within Yul which assist it to access disparate parts of a Yul Object. ::image{src='/formal-verification-1/61-pure-yul/pure-yul1.png' style='width: 100%; height: auto;'} We can see that in our circumstances the `datacopy` function is being used as equivalent to the `codecopy` op code, and what does `codecopy` do? Well, it's taking the size and offset of our `runtime code` (we haven't written the `runtime` yet!) and returning it to be copied to the blockchain! ```js object "HorseStoreYul" { code { datacopy(0, dataoffset("runtime"), datasize("runtime")) return(0, datasize("runtime")) } } object "runtime" { code {} } ``` ### Compiling Yul Before we start adding `runtime code`, lets go over compiling `Yul`, since it can be a little tricky. You'll first need to have the Solidity Compiler installed. You can look at how to install `solc` [here](https://docs.soliditylang.org/en/latest/installing-solidity.html) > **Pro-tip:** I recommend looking at installing `solc` via `solc-select` (available [here](https://github.com/crytic/solc-select)). This will allow you to easily switch between different versions of the solidity compiler as you need! You can verify your solc installation with `solc --version`. From here you should be able to run the command: ```bash solc --strict-assembly --optimize --optimize-runs 20000 yul/HorseStoreYul.yul --bin | grep 60 ``` This is going to return the binary of our contract after compilation! ::image{src='/formal-verification-1/61-pure-yul/pure-yul2.png' style='width: 100%; height: auto;'} ### Runtime Code Let's get started writing the `runtime` portion of our `Yul` smart contract. Just like we say in Huff (and the Solidity back end), we're going to need to start with a `function dispatcher`! The function dispatcher here is going to be handled a little differently than we're used to. ```js object "runtime" { code { // function dispatcher switch selector() // updateHorseNumber case 0xcdfead2e { } // readNumberOfHorses case 0xe026c017 { } default { revert(0, 0) } } } ``` So, what's happening here? We're declaring a `switch` statement for a function `selector()` that we'll define soon. We're defining each case for the switch statement to execute based on the result of our `selector()` function. The first case, we expect to see the function signature of our `updateHorseNumber`, at which case the logic for that function will execute. Likewise, if the function signature of `readNumberOfHorses` is received, that case will trigger and the associated logic will execute. If neither cases are found, the `default` will trigger and revert the transaction! We next need to define our `selector()` function. ```js object "runtime" { code { // function dispatcher switch selector() // updateHorseNumber case 0xcdfead2e { } // readNumberOfHorses case 0xe026c017 { } default { revert(0, 0) } /* -- decoding functions -- */ function selector() -> s { s := div(calldataload(0), 0x10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) } } } ``` Let's breakdown `selector()` a bit because it is wild. Basically, when this function is called it returns a variable `s`. Return, in Yul, is denoted by `->`, so `return s` == `-> s`. Then, within the `selector()` function we're dividing our `call data` (accessed via `calldataload(0)`), by `0x10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000` and assigning the value to our `s` variable. > **Note:** the number `0x10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000` is effectively removing 28 bytes from our call data, leaving us with the first 4 bytes - or our `function selector` to compare to our `switch` cases! ### Switch Case Logic Now that we've isolated our `function selector` from our `call data`, we should have some logic for it to get routed to base on which `switch case` triggers. Let's start with `updateHorseNumber` ```js case 0xcdfead2e { storeNumber(decodeAsUint(0)) } ``` Both `storeNumber()` and `decodeAsUint()` are functions we'll define ourselves now. ### decodeAsUint ```js /* -- decoding functions -- */ function selector() -> s { s := div(calldataload(0), 0x10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) } function decodeAsUint(offset) -> v { let positionInCalldata := add(4, mul(offset, 0x20)) if lt(calldatasize(), add(positionInCalldata, 0x20)){ revert(0, 0) } v := calldataload(positionInCalldata) } ``` Our `decodeAsUint()` function is taking an `offset` as a parameter (we've passed `0` in our `updateHorseNumber` switch case) and returns a value `v`. The function determines a `positionInCalldata` by adding `4` (the size of our `function selector`) to our `offset` multiplied by `0x20` (32 bytes). Because our `offset` is 0, our positionInCallData is going to be starting at 4 bytes, or immediately following our function selector. We then assign a value to our return value, v. `calldataload()` will load 32 bytes of `call data` starting from a passed `offset`, which in our case is immediately following our `function selector` and hopefully this will be the value that we're updating! ### storeNumber With our `decodeAsUint` function written, let's go back to our switch case for `updateHorseNumber` and start defining the `storeNumber` function. Here's where we're at so far for our `runtime` code: ```js object "runtime" { code { // function dispatcher switch selector() // updateHorseNumber case 0xcdfead2e { storeNumber(decodeAsUint(0)) } // readNumberOfHorses case 0xe026c017 { } default { revert(0, 0) } /* -- decoding functions -- */ function selector() -> s { s := div(calldataload(0), 0x10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) } function decodeAsUint(offset) -> v { let positionInCalldata := add(4, mul(offset, 0x20)) if lt(calldatasize(), add(positionInCalldata, 0x20)){ revert(0, 0) } v := calldataload(positionInCalldata) } } } ``` We'll define our `storeNumber` function just below our `default` switch case. ```js default { revert(0, 0) } function storeNumber(newNumber) { sstore(0, newNumber) } /* -- decoding functions -- */ ``` Because the data being passed to our `storeNumber` function has already been decoded (via our `decodeAsUint` function), we can just call our `sstore` code, passing it the storage slot of our `horseNumber` (`0`) and the function parameter (`newNumber`). Let's look at our readNumberOfHorses case now! ### readNumberOfHorses ```js // readNumberOfHorses case 0xe026c017 { returnUint(readNumber()) } default { revert(0, 0) } function storeNumber(newNumber) { sstore(0, newNumber) } function readNumber() -> storedNumber { storedNumber := sload(0) } /* -- decoding functions -- */ function selector() -> s { s := div(calldataload(0), 0x10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) } function decodeAsUint(offset) -> v { let positionInCalldata := add(4, mul(offset, 0x20)) if lt(calldatasize(), add(positionInCalldata, 0x20)){ revert(0, 0) } v := calldataload(positionInCalldata) } function returnUint(v) { mstore(0, v) return(0, 0x20) } ``` Alright, under the readNumberOfHorses switch case we've added two functions which will be called. The `readNumber()` function is loading our `horseNumber` from storage slot 0 via `sload(0)`. This value is then being passed to `returnUint(v)` which is storing it in memory, and returning 32 bytes (0x20) of data from where it was stored! Let's see our whole contract now: ```js object "HorseStoreYul" { code { datacopy(0, dataoffset("runtime"), datasize("runtime")) return(0, datasize("runtime")) } } object "runtime" { code { // function dispatcher switch selector() // updateHorseNumber case 0xcdfead2e { storeNumber(decodeAsUint(0)) } // readNumberOfHorses case 0xe026c017 { returnUint(readNumber()) } default { revert(0, 0) } function storeNumber(newNumber) { sstore(0, newNumber) } function readNumber() -> storedNumber { storedNumber := sload(0) } /* -- decoding functions -- */ function selector() -> s { s := div(calldataload(0), 0x10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) } function decodeAsUint(offset) -> v { let positionInCalldata := add(4, mul(offset, 0x20)) if lt(calldatasize(), add(positionInCalldata, 0x20)){ revert(0, 0) } v := calldataload(positionInCalldata) } function returnUint(v) { mstore(0, v) return(0, 0x20) } } } ``` ### Pure Yul Recap And that's our Pure Yul Smart contract! What did we learn? We learnt that Yul contracts don't use the contract keyword, they have an `object` which will contain a `code` section. This `code` section will almost always contain your contract deployment logic. ```js object "HorseStoreYul" { code {} object "runtime" { code {} } } ``` There's also a `runtime` object, which contains our contracts `runtime` logic within _its_ `code` section. We learnt that the first thing we do, just like in Huff and Solidity is employ a `function dispatcher` and that the Yul `function dispatcher` uses `switch `cases to route logic to the case which matches our `call data`'s `function selector`. And finally, we learnt the value of leveraging helper functions like decodeAsUint and returnUint to load the necessary data for our functions in and out of storage and memory. ```js function decodeAsUint(offset) -> v { let positionInCalldata := add(4, mul(offset, 0x20)) if lt(calldatasize(), add(positionInCalldata, 0x20)){ revert(0, 0) } v := calldataload(positionInCalldata) } function returnUint(v) { mstore(0, v) return(0, 0x20) } ``` Wow. We've learnt a lot. Go take a break, you've earned it.
A comprehensive guide to Yul - A low-level programming language for Ethereum Virtual Machines. The lesson covers contract creation, deploying a contract and using helper functions to read a number and store a number in the blockchain, using Yul.
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Course Overview
About the course
Writing smart contracts using Huff and Yul
Ethereum Virtual Machine OPCodes
Formal verification testing
Smart contract invariant testing
Halmos, Certora, Kontrol
Security researcher
$49,999 - $120,000 (avg. salary)
Smart Contract Auditor
$100,000 - $200,000 (avg. salary)
Guest lecturers:
Josselin Feist
Head of Blockchain at Trail of Bits
Last updated on January 17, 2025
Solidity Developer
Assembly and Formal VerificationDuration: 30min
Duration: 4h 38min
Duration: 3h 57min
Duration: 1h 56min
Course Overview
About the course
Writing smart contracts using Huff and Yul
Ethereum Virtual Machine OPCodes
Formal verification testing
Smart contract invariant testing
Halmos, Certora, Kontrol
Security researcher
$49,999 - $120,000 (avg. salary)
Smart Contract Auditor
$100,000 - $200,000 (avg. salary)
Guest lecturers:
Josselin Feist
Head of Blockchain at Trail of Bits
Last updated on January 17, 2025
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Solutions Engineer at OpenZeppelin
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Lead Devrel at Metamask
Albert Hu
DeForm Founding Engineer
Senior Developer Advocate at Ceramic
Developer Relations Engineer at Axelar