## Cross-Chain Interoperability Explained We can't move assets between blockchains directly, like two islands. We need a bridge! A bridge is a protocol that acts as a pathway between blockchains. ### Why We Need Bridges We need bridges for several reasons: * **Gas Fees:** We need to pay gas fees to process transactions on blockchains. * **Currency Conversion:** The currency needs to be converted for the appropriate chain. ### Bridging Terminology Here are some important terms related to bridging: * **Bridging:** The transfer of assets, like tokens, cross-chain. * **Cross-Chain Messaging:** The transfer of data cross-chain. ### How Bridges Work We'll look at two methods bridges use: * **Burn & Mint:** Tokens are burnt on the source chain, removed from circulation. The same number of tokens are then minted and given to the user on the destination chain. * **Lock & Unlock:** Tokens on the source chain are locked in a vault. A new, wrapped version of the token is then minted on the destination chain, and given to the user. ### Types of Bridges * **Native Bridges:** Built by the blockchain team. * **Third-Party Bridges:** Developed independently. These are often faster, but have higher fees. ### Security We also need to be aware of security risks. Because we don't need to wait for finality with third-party bridges, there is a possibility of a roll-back or reorg that could reverse our transaction. ### Auditing To ensure that the bridges we use are secure, we need to get them audited: * **Competitive Audit:** Placing the code on platforms like CodeHawks * **Private Audit:** Reaching out to a company like Cipher directly ### Cross-Chain Applications Vitalik Buterin, founder of Ethereum, stated the future is multi-chain, not cross-chain, due to security issues. He stated billions of dollars have been bridged across chains, but there is a need for applications to ensure security. We should ensure we audit applications before interacting with them!
A comprehensive introduction to blockchain bridges. This lesson covers what a blockchain bridge is, how they work, the different types of bridges, and the benefits of cross-chain interoperability.
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Course Overview
About the course
Advanced smart contract development
How to develop a stablecoin
How to develop a DeFi protocol
How to develop a DAO
Advanced smart contracts testing
Fuzz testing
Manual verification
Web3 Developer Relations
$85,000 - $125,000 (avg. salary)
Web3 developer
$60,000 - $150,000 (avg. salary)
Smart Contract Engineer
$100,000 - $150,000 (avg. salary)
Smart Contract Auditor
$100,000 - $200,000 (avg. salary)
Security researcher
$49,999 - $120,000 (avg. salary)
Guest lecturers:
Juliette Chevalier
Lead Developer relations at Aragon
Nader Dabit
Director of developer relations at Avara
Ally Haire
Developer relations at Protocol Labs
Founder at GasliteGG
Last updated on March 11, 2025
Solidity Developer
Advanced FoundryDuration: 36min
Duration: 3h 06min
Duration: 5h 02min
Duration: 6h 02min
Duration: 2h 47min
Duration: 1h 23min
Duration: 4h 28min
Duration: 1h 19min
Duration: 1h 10min
Course Overview
About the course
Advanced smart contract development
How to develop a stablecoin
How to develop a DeFi protocol
How to develop a DAO
Advanced smart contracts testing
Fuzz testing
Manual verification
Web3 Developer Relations
$85,000 - $125,000 (avg. salary)
Web3 developer
$60,000 - $150,000 (avg. salary)
Smart Contract Engineer
$100,000 - $150,000 (avg. salary)
Smart Contract Auditor
$100,000 - $200,000 (avg. salary)
Security researcher
$49,999 - $120,000 (avg. salary)
Guest lecturers:
Juliette Chevalier
Lead Developer relations at Aragon
Nader Dabit
Director of developer relations at Avara
Ally Haire
Developer relations at Protocol Labs
Founder at GasliteGG
Last updated on March 11, 2025
Read what our students have to say about this course.
Gustavo Gonzalez
Solutions Engineer at OpenZeppelin
Francesco Andreoli
Lead Devrel at Metamask
Albert Hu
DeForm Founding Engineer
Senior Developer Advocate at Ceramic
Developer Relations Engineer at Axelar