_Follow along the course with this video._ --- ### The issue with IPFS vs HTTPS In this lesson we'll discuss two ways we can reference our data in `IPFS` and ways we can strengthen the hosting of it to ensure it's always made available. First things first: Let's discuss the **InterPlanetary File System (IPFS)** and the pros and cons associated with it. ### IPFS We learnt previously that there are two ways to reference the location of data hosted by `IPFS`. We can point directly to the `IPFS` network with the syntax `ipfs://<CID>` _or_ we can use the `IPFS Gateway` and point to an IPFS server via `https://ipfs.io/ipfs/<CID>`. There are some important considerations to keep in mind here. If we decide to use the `IPFS Gateway`, this is essentially pointing to a website hosted on a server by `IPFS`. If this website or server goes down for any reason the data we're pointing to will be unretrievable! Imagine losing the art of your NFT forever! A safer methodology is pointing to the `IPFS` network directly, but this comes with caveats. While the URI is pointing to a decentralized network, assuring the data is accessible so long as a node is still hosting it, most browsers and services don't natively support interfacing with the `IPFS` network. This can make viewing and interacting with your NFT cumbersome. In addition to the above, the `IPFS` network doesn't automatically distribute all data amongst all nodes on the network (like a blockchain would). Instead it relies on nodes pinning the data they find valuable to assure it's available to the rest of the network. If I'm the only person pinning my data on `IPFS`, I'm not any more decentralized than using the `IPFS Gateway`. **_So, how do we solve this?_** ### Pinning Services Fortunately, there are services available which developers can use to pin their data for them, decentralizing access to it. One such service is [**Pinata.cloud**](https://www.pinata.cloud/). ::image{src='/foundry-nfts/10-ipfs-https/ipfs-https1.png' style='width: 100%; height: auto;'} Once an account is created and you've logged in, the UI functions much like an `IPFS` node and you can simply upload any files you want the service to pin on your behalf. ::image{src='/foundry-nfts/10-ipfs-https/ipfs-https2.png' style='width: 100%; height: auto;'} Once uploaded, `Pinata` will provide a `CID`, just like `IPFS` itself will. ::image{src='/foundry-nfts/10-ipfs-https/ipfs-https3.png' style='width: 100%; height: auto;'} > ❗ **PROTIP** > Whenever I work on a project, I will upload my images/data both to my local `IPFS` node as well as `Pinata` to assure the data is always pinned _somewhere_. ### Wrap Up So, in summary, pointing to the `IPFS Gateway`, not great. Pointing to the `IPFS` network itself is a little better and more decentralized, but comes with it's own issues. What if I told you there's an even better way to store our images? In the next lesson we'll discuss `Scalable Vector Graphics`, or `SVGs` and how images of this type can be stored _on-chain_ making them permanently accessible! See you there! ::image{src='/foundry-nfts/10-ipfs-https/ipfs-https4.png' style='width: 100%; height: auto;'}
Discusses the pros and cons of using IPFS, HTTP, and on-chain SVGs for storing NFT data. It covers the pitfalls of each method and introduces services like Piñata Cloud for securing digital assets on IPFS.
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Course Overview
About the course
Advanced smart contract development
How to develop a stablecoin
How to develop a DeFi protocol
How to develop a DAO
Advanced smart contracts testing
Fuzz testing
Manual verification
Web3 Developer Relations
$85,000 - $125,000 (avg. salary)
Web3 developer
$60,000 - $150,000 (avg. salary)
Smart Contract Engineer
$100,000 - $150,000 (avg. salary)
Smart Contract Auditor
$100,000 - $200,000 (avg. salary)
Security researcher
$49,999 - $120,000 (avg. salary)
Guest lecturers:
Juliette Chevalier
Lead Developer relations at Aragon
Nader Dabit
Director of developer relations at EigenLayer
Ally Haire
Developer relations at Protocol Labs
Founder at GasliteGG
Last updated on March 26, 2025
Solidity Developer
Advanced FoundryDuration: 36min
Duration: 3h 06min
Duration: 5h 02min
Duration: 6h 02min
Duration: 2h 47min
Duration: 1h 23min
Duration: 4h 28min
Duration: 1h 19min
Duration: 1h 10min
Course Overview
About the course
Advanced smart contract development
How to develop a stablecoin
How to develop a DeFi protocol
How to develop a DAO
Advanced smart contracts testing
Fuzz testing
Manual verification
Web3 Developer Relations
$85,000 - $125,000 (avg. salary)
Web3 developer
$60,000 - $150,000 (avg. salary)
Smart Contract Engineer
$100,000 - $150,000 (avg. salary)
Smart Contract Auditor
$100,000 - $200,000 (avg. salary)
Security researcher
$49,999 - $120,000 (avg. salary)
Guest lecturers:
Juliette Chevalier
Lead Developer relations at Aragon
Nader Dabit
Director of developer relations at EigenLayer
Ally Haire
Developer relations at Protocol Labs
Founder at GasliteGG
Last updated on March 26, 2025
Read what our students have to say about this course.
Gustavo Gonzalez
Solutions Engineer at OpenZeppelin
Francesco Andreoli
Lead Devrel at Metamask
Albert Hu
DeForm Founding Engineer
Senior Developer Advocate at Ceramic
Developer Relations Engineer at Axelar