### Diagramming Thunder Loan It's at this point in a review that I may begin to diagram out what I currently understand of a protocol. A diagram of Thunder Loan might look something like this: ::image{src='/security-section-6/31-diagramming-thunderloan/diagramming-thunderloan1.png' style='width: 100%; height: auto;'} From what we understand so far, a `liquidity provider` calls `deposit` on the `ThunderLoan` contract passing a token which has has an `AssetToken` contract created by the protocol owner at an earlier point. `Thunder Loan` then calculates how many asset tokens to `mint` in exchange for the `deposit` - updates the exchange rate (for some reason) then `mints` the `asset tokens`, closing the transaction off with a `safeTransfer` call to the underlying token, transferring it to the `AssetToken` contract for storage.
Patrick walks through diagramming Thunder Loan with emphasis on visualization using diagrams for better comprehension.
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