--- ### Payback or Revert So, how does a `flash loan` allow the average user to take advantage of larger scale financial opportunities? This is a really powerful function of the blockchain and smart contract ecosystem. In contemporary finance typically collateral is required to take a loan, some assurance must be made that a loan will be repaid. In Web3 a protocol is able to programmatically assure a loan is repaid. **_How does this work?_** A smart contract protocol assures that a `flash loan` is repaid effectively by containing logic within its loan functionality that requires the transferred balance be restored to the protocol within the _same transaction_ as it's borrowed. If these checks don't pass, the transaction will revert, back to its initial state - as though the loan never took place. The code for a `flash loan` may be as minimal as: ```js uint256 startingBalance = IERC20(token).balanceOf(address(this)); assetToken.transferUnderlyingTo(receiverAddress, amount); // callback function here uint256 endingBalance = token.balanceOf(address(this)); if (endingBalance < startingBalance + fee) { revert(); } ``` Effectively, a user taking a `flash loan` is able to do anything they want between the `transferUnderlyingTo` and the conditional check at the end of this function. This is only possible because if that check on the `endingBalance` doesn't pass, the entire transaction (and anything that was done with the loan) will revert! ::image{src='/security-section-6/5-pay-back-or-revert/pay-back-or-revert1.png' style='width: 100%; height: auto;'} It's easy to see what opportunities a system like `flash loans` enables for the average user. No longer will these advantages be available only to whales! See you in the next lesson.
Dives deeper into how flashloans work and the requirement of repayment in a single transaction.
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